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Z06PDQ 06-03-2010 9:01am

Governor GoodHair says "spill was an act of God"
what a POS this guy is: Perry backs offshore drilling, says spill may be act of God | Business | Dallas Business...

Peter Pan 06-03-2010 11:52am

Not an act of God, and Perry is going to win another term

"Keep in mind that the last spill of this magnitude was in 1979, and that's 31 years ago," said Patterson, whose office is responsible for oil spill cleanups in Texas. Patterson was referring to a June 1979 oil platform blowout that spewed millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, causing extensive damage along the Texas coast.

Z06PDQ 06-03-2010 12:54pm


Originally Posted by Peter Pan (Post 37940)
Not an act of God, and Perry is going to win another term

"Keep in mind that the last spill of this magnitude was in 1979, and that's 31 years ago," said Patterson, whose office is responsible for oil spill cleanups in Texas. Patterson was referring to a June 1979 oil platform blowout that spewed millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, causing extensive damage along the Texas coast.

Perry's an idiot. the Ixtoc well you referenced was two miles deep. I love to throw that in the face of the hacks that try to say they were forced to go deep water because of environmentalists :rofl: trying to hold Mexico up as an environmentally sound nation full of Green Weenies is ridiculous. :lol:

WKMCD 06-03-2010 3:23pm

That god fellow is certainly causing problems in the world...

Z06PDQ 06-03-2010 3:49pm


Originally Posted by WKMCD (Post 37955)
That god fellow is certainly causing problems in the world...


Peter Pan 06-04-2010 5:30pm


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 37948)
Perry's an idiot. the Ixtoc well you referenced was two miles deep. I love to throw that in the face of the hacks that try to say they were forced to go deep water because of environmentalists :rofl: trying to hold Mexico up as an environmentally sound nation full of Green Weenies is ridiculous. :lol:

I say go where the oil is drill baby drill and do it in my back yard if there is oil, I do not see any transportation to replace my oil guzzling Vettes or Trucks in my lifetime, now research and build the alternatives, in the mean time drill baby drill I do not care where it is, yes we need to do it more on land and shallow water, 1 mile, 2 miles or deeper I do not care, and while we are at it build more coal plants as Nuke plants present a storage of waste problem, not enough sun to make solar work with what we have now and same for wind generation, we need them all, and drill baby drill:seeya:

Iron Chef 06-07-2010 1:53am

This is how technology works folks. You want gas to drive that shiny new Vette around? Then we drill. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.

This well bursting is no different from the Columbia disaster: If it's man-made, there is a risk of failure AT SOME POINT. It may cost lives or it may mean oil spewing into the ocean...and it doesn't make a damn bit of difference what Rick Perry says or Obama or the head of BP or anyone else. There was no shortage of complaining from both liberal and conservative camps when the price of oil skyrocketed and we were paying upwards of $4.25/gallon for gas.

The problem is that everyone wants the benefits of technology but no one is prepared to pay the price if...and more likely WHEN...something goes wrong.

Let 'em cap the damn well as quicly as possible and enough whining. Unless of course you're ready to trade in that shiny new Vette on a horse and buggy.

Z06PDQ 06-07-2010 10:13am

I'm all for "drill baby,drill" [gas well owner] :D I'm also in the coal hauling business, but I think nuclear has a place...I guess I just don't understand trying to blow off this accident as "the price of technology." it's negligence & disregard of safety for profit, pure & simple. we saw the same thing with the Massey coal mine disasters.the days of corporations grinding people up like so much fodder & no respect for our planet should have ended long ago. :cheers:

Joecooool 06-08-2010 8:47am

Give that jackass a shovel and send him down to Pensacola.

Joecooool 06-08-2010 8:53am


Originally Posted by Iron Chef (Post 38206)
The problem is that everyone wants the benefits of technology but no one is prepared to pay the price if...and more likely WHEN...something goes wrong.

Let 'em cap the damn well as quicly as possible and enough whining. Unless of course you're ready to trade in that shiny new Vette on a horse and buggy.

The real problem is that we as a nation are not doing anything to get off of oil.

The wind solar and other eco stuff is fine but the reality is that we need more nuclear power plants. LOTS more. Build them, get the grid up and running to support it and build electric cars.

I've driven a Tesla. That is the future and I'm happy with the direction we are going. The only think I'll miss is the noise but hell, I'm going def anyway.

We need a Manhattan style project to get us off oil. Its going to run out sooner or later and there are a hell of a lot of other uses for the stuff than putting it in our cars. A real commitment to building alternative energy and nuclear power plants could put millions of Americans to work, stop the flow of trillions of dollars we send over seas, and pull this country out of the recession.

Cobra4B 06-08-2010 10:10am

Joe I agree w/ you 100%.... but the first Nuclear F'up and everyone will **** their paints. I mean 3 mile island is the reason we don't have more nuclear power today.

Joecooool 06-08-2010 2:40pm

Not the jackass wants to square off with the EPA - Texas Governor Battles EPA Over Clean Air Act, Permits - TIME

I love the attitude of some of the Texans down there. They are cheering for the guy who is allowing corporations to pollute the air and water.

Here's a hint Governor, if specific jobs cause the bad air and water, then those are jobs that should go away.

Z06PDQ 06-08-2010 5:07pm

Ethical For Life: Texas tops the most polluting state list in the USA

Iron Chef 06-14-2010 10:26pm


Originally Posted by Joecooool (Post 38331)
The real problem is that we as a nation are not doing anything to get off of oil.

All good points you have Phil. But oil is where we are TODAY.

Crying about a well leak is kind of like complaining that we can't travel to the moon using transporters a la Star Trek. The technology doesn't exist. You want to get there? It's a three day rocket ride. You want oil TODAY? You get it using TODAY'S technology and with that comes leaks, spills, shipwrecks and, in some cases, human lives AND WE ALL KNEW THIS GOING IN. Tomorrow's power might be better, cheaper, cleaner, safer and more plentiful, but we're not there yet.

Trying to turn this into a Democrat/Republican/Liberal/Conservative argument is pretty ridiculous.

Peter Pan 06-15-2010 8:52am

:above:Drill baby drill I need to fill up my Vettes and power my house:cheers:

Z06PDQ 06-15-2010 12:28pm


Originally Posted by Iron Chef (Post 38956)
Trying to turn this into a Democrat/Republican/Liberal/Conservative argument is pretty ridiculous.

I agree, it is ridiculous. it's also "ridiculous" to not see that it is in fact, a highly political issue. the Right wants to put the blame on our president with such bull**** as "Obama's Katrina" & faux anger at him pissing off the British..they say that BP wouldn't be in deep water if the Green Weenies hadn't forced them there. it's a lie. the big plays inland are all just about gone & the REAL monster fields are in the Gulf. that's why BP is there... that's what they do. find oil & harvest it. there are over 42,000 offshore rigs operating with minimal spill & loss of lives.granted, they aren't as deep as the Horizon,but that shouldn't matter. BP told us they could get the oil safely. they didn't say "we might have a blow out or two along the way." the facts are undeniable. these bastards ignored all kinds of red flags so they could make more money,faster.these people are nothing short of monsters & need to be put away for a long time. our nation NEEDS this oil, but we can't keep letting things like this tragedy happen because of insane greed for profits & disregard for human lives & our fragile ecosystem.

Peter Pan 06-16-2010 12:54am


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 38979)
I agree, it is ridiculous. it's also "ridiculous" to not see that it is in fact, a highly political issue. the Right wants to put the blame on our president with such bull**** as "Obama's Katrina" & faux anger at him pissing off the British..they say that BP wouldn't be in deep water if the Green Weenies hadn't forced them there. it's a lie. the big plays inland are all just about gone & the REAL monster fields are in the Gulf. that's why BP is there... that's what they do. find oil & harvest it. there are over 42,000 offshore rigs operating with minimal spill & loss of lives.granted, they aren't as deep as the Horizon,but that shouldn't matter. BP told us they could get the oil safely. they didn't say "we might have a blow out or two along the way." the facts are undeniable. these bastards ignored all kinds of red flags so they could make more money,faster.these people are nothing short of monsters & need to be put away for a long time. our nation NEEDS this oil, but we can't keep letting things like this tragedy happen because of insane greed for profits & disregard for human lives & our fragile ecosystem.

We gots lots of oil in Alaska, lets get it, less risk than the deep ocean drilling and use more coal, build more nuke plants until the Messiah's dream of alternate power in my grand kids live can be real. Drill baby drill at the same time we as a nation look at the next generation of power sources my cars, house and lots of products I use come from oil. As I type this the electricty I am using is coming from Coal Power and Nuke, it is what we use in San Antonio, best value going, build more of both and again drill baby drill. Oh our city is really getting into solar and wind power, both great sources but a drop in the bucket for what we use. Those new electric cars need juice to run, coal and Nukes are the best of what we now have and for the next 40 or 50 years on the scale of the power our nations uses.

Plug the fuc$ing hole:toetap: Our leader has no clue on how to run our country no less a business, he only knows how to attack business and try for Govt take over, Nov can not come fast enough as 2012. It seems our president is being compared to Carter at 18 months in office and this is really bad we still have 2 1/2 years left of a sinking ship that only knows how to waste my tax $$ and our countries future:yesnod::yesnod:

Z06PDQ 06-16-2010 11:20am


Originally Posted by Peter Pan (Post 39011)
We gots lots of oil in Alaska, lets get it, less risk than the deep ocean drilling and use more coal, build more nuke plants until the Messiah's dream of alternate power in my grand kids live can be real. Drill baby drill at the same time we as a nation look at the next generation of power sources my cars, house and lots of products I use come from oil. As I type this the electricty I am using is coming from Coal Power and Nuke, it is what we use in San Antonio, best value going, build more of both and again drill baby drill. Oh our city is really getting into solar and wind power, both great sources but a drop in the bucket for what we use. Those new electric cars need juice to run, coal and Nukes are the best of what we now have and for the next 40 or 50 years on the scale of the power our nations uses.

Plug the fuc$ing hole:toetap: Our leader has no clue on how to run our country no less a business, he only knows how to attack business and try for Govt take over, Nov can not come fast enough as 2012. It seems our president is being compared to Carter at 18 months in office and this is really bad we still have 2 1/2 years left of a sinking ship that only knows how to waste my tax $$ and our countries future:yesnod::yesnod:

whether you, I or God Almighty Himself likes it or not, oil is a finite resource. you reference Jimmy Carter, that's ironic. he was the very first president to try to start weaning us off foreign oil. Reagan came in & literally had the solar panels on the White House removed & scrapped everything he'd done. T Boone Pickens' ideas make a lot of sense to a lot of people, especially natural gas as a fuel.these are bold & drastic changes & resistance will be strong, but at some point we WILL do something about our dependence on fossil fuel. Obama's speech last night was vague & he's catching hell for it from the Left & Right. he needs to have more information available to us about how we can make this shift. he sounded like he was back on the campaign trail. you may think it was a "waste" of our money to stop arguably what was the greatest depression the world has ever known, but the majority of people don't agree with you. you are anxious for 2012 to get here. who ya'll gonna run?? Palin,the Moose Queen or Romney the Corporate Raider?? :lol: why don't you tell us how to "plug the fuc$ing hole"??? :willy: didn't you hear the Exxon CEO say that the industry doesn't even have a clue or a plan on how to do it even after the Ixtoc well blowout in 1979? you sound like the Moose Queen.:lolsmile:

Z06PDQ 06-16-2010 12:29pm

we need to start looking a little harder inland where drilling is safer. I don't think we really know what we have. Barnett Shale: The Latest Word in Oil Exploration -- Seeking Alpha

Peter Pan 06-16-2010 12:36pm


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 39047)
we need to start looking a little harder inland where drilling is safer. I don't think we really know what we have. Barnett Shale: The Latest Word in Oil Exploration -- Seeking Alpha

Seems that Alaska has lots of oil inland, drill baby drill:dance:

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