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Bill 06-13-2023 4:07pm

Youth Gone Wild: Massachusetts Jr. High Kids Revolt Against Gay Indoctrination


Massachusetts middle school students tear down rainbow decorations and chant their pronouns are 'U.S.A.' during Pride celebration: Officials slam 'intolerance and homophobia'

Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, were asked to wear rainbow-colored shirts to school to celebrate Pride on June 2
However, a student-led protest broke out, where they destroyed Pride decorations, threw stickers on the ground and chanted 'my pronouns are USA'
Officials are now calling for the school district to reinstate the DEI board because of the display of 'intolerance and homophobia'

Massachusetts middle schoolers tore down Pride decorations and chanted that their pronouns were 'USA' in a striking protest after they were asked to wear rainbow colors to school.

Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, were asked to wear rainbow-colored shirts to celebrate Pride Month on June 2, but a preplanned protest broke out with students tearing up Pride flag stickers and chanting: 'USA are my pronouns.'

Decked out in red, white and blue, the students destroyed the decorations lining the hallway the student organization Spectrum Group distributed, including a quote from American playwright Tennessee Williams, signage saying the school was a 'safe space' and 'equality for everyone' decorations.

'I was shocked and horrified,' Nila Almstrom, a parent of an LGBT student, said at a town hall meeting about the protest.

Parents have told local news outlets their straight-identifying students said they felt forced to participate and were 'offended' by the Tennessee Williams quote that reiterated that the human heart is 'curved like a road through the mountains' and only lines and streets can be straight.

The altercation sparked allies and parents to call for more diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the school, claiming that 'this type of intolerant rhetoric starts in the home.'

'These displays of intolerance and homophobia are unacceptable and impact the whole community,' Burlington Equity Coalition Co-Chair, Nancy Bonassera, said during the meeting on Monday night. 'We challenge Burlington town leadership to take an active stand against hate under the guise of "free expression."'

Principal Cari Perchase apologized in a letter, stating that she wanted to 'publicly state that I stand in solidarity and support of the members of the LGBTQ community who were impacted by these events.'

Days after the disastrous Pride celebration, anti-Semitic and racist graffiti was found inside the schools bathroom. However, Perchase told parents she does not believe it was related to the Pride outburst, the Boston Globe reported.

Parents are now calling for the DEI board to be reinstated. It dissolved in 2022 after its one-year scheduled tenure was up.

I mean, congrats, alphabet people. You've turned me. Completely. You took me from a live and let live libertarian to a F'n Bible slapping conservative. I can't believe I'm the only one who has had enough of this bullshit and wants to actively fight back. Boycotts and school board elections are just the start. Look behind you, alphabet people? See that? That's the line you should not have crossed, going after kids. I hope the backlash....hurts.

The parents of those kids need to take over the school board, and the kids need to be keeping lists of the adults who pushed this shit, so they can be fired.

Edit: Start with Principal Cari Perchase. She can go. She brings zero value to the school. Start with her. Fire her.

theandies 06-13-2023 4:10pm

Finally the adults are taking over their school.

Bill 06-13-2023 5:25pm


Originally Posted by theandies (Post 2095059)
Finally the adults are taking over their school.

Adults didn't do this. This seems to be organically student led. The kids got together and said **** this bullshit. Good for them.

Blademaker 06-13-2023 5:27pm

Glad to see this...
I would like to think that America is damned tired of these cretins and all of their woke bullshit.

GTOguy 06-13-2023 5:48pm

I'm with bill_daniels. I used to not care, or even give it a thought. Now I am mad and outraged and more anti- alphabet than ever. It's an insidious agenda that is destroying us as a nation.

DAB 06-13-2023 6:07pm

it's one thing to be told to show long-suffering, forbearance, patience, understanding to others not like you.

but it's quite another thing to be told that you have to agree with other's life style and choices, and that you have to actively affirm that what they are doing is true and right and good.


if we're going down that road, then before I could talk with one of these alphabet soup types, they in turn would have to accept what i believe as correct and true and the only proper way of living in peace with God.

oh, they don't want that trade, thought so.

go do your unspeakable deeds in private and leave me alone.

Yadkin 06-13-2023 8:08pm

About time. In Massachusetts, their parents voted for this crap.

Bill 06-13-2023 9:27pm

BRUIZER 06-13-2023 9:53pm

Some are starting to figure out if you utilize their own tactics against them they wither.

Louie Detroit 06-14-2023 5:48am

Throw all the fag shit in a big burning barrel and torch it so the sodomites can’t reuse the garbage.

DJ_Critterus 06-14-2023 6:09am

The fags and freaks are going to keep pushing their agenda and before you know it, gay bashing will become a sport again.

Jughead 06-14-2023 7:00am

2% of the population.

Keep pushing back. :clap:

Tikiman 06-14-2023 7:11am

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 2095057)

I mean, congrats, alphabet people. You've turned me. Completely. You took me from a live and let live libertarian to a F'n Bible slapping conservative. I can't believe I'm the only one who has had enough of this bullshit and wants to actively fight back. Boycotts and school board elections are just the start. Look behind you, alphabet people? See that? That's the line you should not have crossed, going after kids. I hope the backlash....hurts.

The parents of those kids need to take over the school board, and the kids need to be keeping lists of the adults who pushed this shit, so they can be fired.

Edit: Start with Principal Cari Perchase. She can go. She brings zero value to the school. Start with her. Fire her.

Right there with you, brother. I've worked with gays, I've had gays visit my home, I've done business with gays. And it was never an issue.

But they have crossed the line and gone way too far. When they demand that children get down on their knees and genuflect to their mental illnesses and perversions, when the normal kids are the great majority, they have crossed the line.

Be gay all you want. I don't really give a ****. But don't be trying to rub that shit in my face or you won't like my reaction. You don't see heterosexual couples running around with special flags saying, "Oooh, celebrate us. We're so special. We need our own month where every business has to fly our straight flag." Keep your damn mental illnesses in a box under your bed and stop trying to groom the damn kids into accepting sick perversion as a lifestyle.

Sounds like the kids have finally had enough. Time for the parents to step in and crush these mental defects out of polite, civilized society.

Tikiman 06-14-2023 7:15am

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DAB (Post 2095155)
it's one thing to be told to show long-suffering, forbearance, patience, understanding to others not like you.

but it's quite another thing to be told that you have to agree with other's life style and choices, and that you have to actively affirm that what they are doing is true and right and good.


if we're going down that road, then before I could talk with one of these alphabet soup types, they in turn would have to accept what i believe as correct and true and the only proper way of living in peace with God.

oh, they don't want that trade, thought so.

go do your unspeakable deeds in private and leave me alone.

I wish I could give you more than one "thanks" for that. There is no middle ground for these degenerates. Like most marxists, give them an inch and they'll become emboldened and take a mile.

mrvette 06-14-2023 7:23am


Originally Posted by DJ_Critterus (Post 2095317)
The fags and freaks are going to keep pushing their agenda and gay before you know it, gay bashing will become a sport again.

I think U R KORREKT on that........BUT when we have a bunch of commies pushing that BS foney platform on the public, the agitation will go on near forever.......
Another BS meaningless subject involving 1-3% of the public, and maybe 10% of the 'leaders' meaning publicly known 'names'......SO this 'topic' is used to distract attention away from topics/solutions to much more important issues....

like the commie take over of USA.....:issues:

LATB 06-14-2023 7:27am


Originally Posted by Jughead (Post 2095330)
2% of the population.

Keep pushing back. :clap:

Unfortunately that 2% has 99% political support...99% corporate support...99% media support...

DJ_Critterus 06-14-2023 7:58am


Originally Posted by LATB (Post 2095337)
Unfortunately that 2% has 99% political support...99% corporate support...99% media support...

They can gas light us all they want, but the stats will change if we stand up and Bud Light all of them. :yesnod:

But, I know that's a pipe dream :(

Vette40th 06-14-2023 8:52am

**** yeah. There may be hope yet..

Tikiman 06-14-2023 8:55am


Originally Posted by DJ_Critterus (Post 2095345)
They can gas light us all they want, but the stats will change if we stand up and Bud Light all of them. :yesnod:

But, I know that's a pipe dream

I'm up for the challenge. :thumbs:

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