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Bill 10-08-2022 7:32pm

Brandonomics: Shipping Crisis Solved!
Remember all those cargo ships that were waiting to unload in California? Not a problem anymore!


BIDEN ECONOMY: Transpacific Shipping Drops 75% During Peak Season Due to Lack of US Demand
By Joe Hoft

Published October 8, 2022 at 6:40pm

Transpacific shipping is way down thanks to the Biden economy. This is a symptom of the policies that Biden put in place to destroy the US economy.

The Biden economy is imploding. Now, only months before the holidays, transpacific shipping is down roughly 75% from 2021.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Trans-Pacific shipping rates have plummeted roughly 75% from year-ago levels. The transportation industry is grappling with weaker demand as big retailers cancel orders with vendors and step up efforts to cut inventories.
FedEx Corp. recently said it would cancel flights and park cargo planes because of a sharp drop in shipping volumes. On Thursday, Nike Inc. said it was sitting on 65% more inventory in North America than a year earlier and would resort to markdowns.

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[…] One response to the melting demand has been to reduce sailing trips. In September, container capacity offered by ship operators in the Pacific was down 13%, dropping the equivalent of 21 ships that can each move 8,000 containers in a single voyage, from a year earlier, according to shipping-data providers Xeneta and Sea-Intelligence.

For the two weeks starting Oct. 3, a total of about 40 scheduled sailings to the U.S. West Coast from Asia and 21 sailings to the East Coast from Asia have been scrapped, according to the data companies as well as customer advisories viewed by The Wall Street Journal. Typically at this time of year, an average of two to four sailings a week are blanked, the industry’s term for canceled sailings.

[…] “In the first week of October, one-third of previously announced capacity will be blanked and for the second week, it will be around half,” said Peter Sand, chief analyst at Xeneta. “The downturn pace in recent weeks has been very fast and it looks like carriers misread the low volumes of a nonexistent peak season.”

The period between late summer and early fall typically is the busiest time of year for the largest carriers, as retailers and other importers build inventories ahead of the holiday shopping season. (more)

A year ago, the port of Los Angeles was backed up with numerous boats waiting to be unloaded. Joe Biden said that the ports would remain open to relieve the bottleneck. No one ever listened.
**** up the economy so no one can afford to buy shit, and you've solved the shipping crisis!

Rodnok1 10-08-2022 7:53pm

Retailers all know it'll be a bad holiday shopping season plus all the stuff they had ordered has finally showed up and they're out of room. Consumer spending down on non food items like clothes which are their big money makers.
I've noticed a pretty large drop of people in stores th e last few months overall.
Throw in they were charging several hundred percent more per container and reatilers can't justify the costs now. I'd have to look the costs up but something like it went from 1k to 4 or 5k per container.

ratflinger 10-08-2022 10:27pm

It was up to $20k per container at one point, more like $1500 now

Louie Detroit 10-08-2022 10:57pm

1 Attachment(s)
La de da da

Torqaholic 10-08-2022 11:02pm

Libs here are campaigning that China cut the supply lines. As if the California thing never happened and there's no inflation. We should elect them because they're going to save us from the Chinese. No doubt lib supporters slurp that up so hard they swallow the spoon.

mrvette 10-09-2022 6:48am

GOOD!!! we stop buying china crap, and buy our OWN products for a damn change......too bad we shipped our electronics/chips plants overseas, so now to take them down and bring them back......fat chance of THAT happening....


LATB 10-09-2022 6:54am


Originally Posted by mrvette (Post 1998634)
GOOD!!! we stop buying china crap, and buy our OWN products for a damn change......too bad we shipped our electronics/chips plants overseas, so now to take them down and bring them back......fat chance of THAT happening....


Taxes and regulations have taken away the incentive to manufacture anything here anymore.

Mike Mercury 10-09-2022 8:49am


Originally Posted by LATB (Post 1998636)
Taxes and regulations have taken away the incentive to manufacture anything here anymore.

sad, but

Bruze 10-09-2022 8:55am

This is what Commies do: Destroy everything and rebuild in THEIR image. Everyone will be on the dole, totally dependent on govt handouts.

Biden's handlers are just following the playbook.

Everyone will be equal -- equally impoverished except for the ruling class.

69L46 10-09-2022 9:01am

Inventory Shortages, And Where Retailers Are Overstocked, By Retailer Category

The retail landscape is a disaster. So much for the "Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force".

Dan47 10-09-2022 9:02am


Originally Posted by LATB (Post 1998636)
Taxes and regulations have taken away the incentive to manufacture anything here anymore.

And a ridiculously strong dollar. Most Americans need cheap overseas “stuff” because they can’t afford American built stuff.

Wages/prices divorced one another years ago, as the dollar abandoned the domestic economy to have a fling with the global. As that affair fails, Americans are going to suffer immensely because a big chunk of their manufacturing moved on. :yesnod:

Mike Mercury 10-09-2022 9:22am


Originally Posted by mrvette (Post 1998634)
too bad we shipped our electronics/chips plants overseas

Unions ruined the American workforce. They went from getting workers the safety and fairness they deserved (60 years ago)... to now overpaying unskilled positions, being an arm to a political cult party, and spending their members dues fighting for the lowest of their people (when they should of assisted the employer in firing some of hese worse-case-scenario workers).

09CTSV 10-09-2022 10:19am


Originally Posted by Mike Mercury (Post 1998695)
Unions ruined the American workforce. They went from getting workers the safety and fairness they deserved (60 years ago)... to now overpaying unskilled positions, being an arm to a political cult party, and spending their members dues fighting for the lowest of their people (when they should of assisted the employer in firing some of hese worse-case-scenario workers).

Been there lived that on the Salary side and made the decision to move away from that shit. Had a bunch of great workers but had our fair share of terds who were protected from doing a real job. Amazing everyone would whine and cry about a person to doing their job and they were so tired of pulling their weight as well as their own. Start to tighten reigns and watch out!!. All of a sudden they are the best worker and you can't touch them.

mrvette 10-09-2022 10:32am


Originally Posted by 09CTSV (Post 1998718)
Been there lived that on the Salary side and made the decision to move away from that shit. Had a bunch of great workers but had our fair share of terds who were protected from doing a real job. Amazing everyone would whine and cry about a person to doing their job and they were so tired of pulling their weight as well as their own. Start to tighten reigns and watch out!!. All of a sudden they are the best worker and you can't touch them.

Sounds like a old hotrod buddy of mine, drives a '68 GTO, which set in his garage full of dust for the last 10-15 years or so.....:sadangel:

He is a union welder, and so working on some fancy building for some FOUR years now, and HE is the last man on the job for the last few months of shutdown, doing his thing to correct any BS that happened......he is getting achy and tired though after some 30 years of it....late 50's and got another 1/2 dzn years to retirement.....starting to show on him.....


Rodnok1 10-09-2022 12:25pm


Originally Posted by Mike Mercury (Post 1998695)
Unions ruined the American workforce. They went from getting workers the safety and fairness they deserved (60 years ago)... to now overpaying unskilled positions, being an arm to a political cult party, and spending their members dues fighting for the lowest of their people (when they should of assisted the employer in firing some of hese worse-case-scenario workers).

You had to **** up royally and numerous times to be fired from UAW job... Guy down the street was a several time convicted felon, caught dealing in the plant more than once, constantly fired and reinstated. He pushed a broom. Think it was ten years of them trying to fire him before they did successfully.. For stealing a broom handle.
Unfortunately Unions started out being the best thing for American workers but turned into a boil on the ass of our economy. I can't blame companies for leaving the US with the demands made from Unions.
I remember my neighbor who could neither read nor write voted down a 20% pay decrease back in early 80s. The owner (private held company) said he would close all 3 plants as he wasn't into it to not make money. He Offered a short term 3 year cut just to help company get thru the downturn. They voted it down 90 to 10 % so he shut the doors the next day. My neighbor never did find another job, i helped him fillout apps for months. He had zero skills and wanted 30 bucks and hr plus benefits.
I'm all for decent pay but needs to be based upon skills, how hard job is, etc.
Some fuktard pushing a broom doesn't deserve 30/hr plus full benefits when a skilled worker doesn't get much more.

DAB 10-09-2022 12:41pm


Originally Posted by LATB (Post 1998636)
Taxes and regulations have taken away the incentive to manufacture anything here anymore.

Many years ago i looked into setting up a woodworking business. quickly found that every .gov level will have their hand out: up front fees for business license, ongoing fees to keep said license, record keeping every day or week to track income and expenses so i could keep .gov informed of my progress. quarterly payments to .gov for 'gross receipts tax', income taxes, FICA taxes. did the math quickly, found that i'd be handing over about 1/2 my money to these 'partners' i didn't hire.

screw that.

i'm not working past lunch, and in my evenings just to keep .gov happy and full of my sweat labor.

now if i could simply keep what i earn, and not have to keep such close track of things...then i might reconsider.

m and t's77 10-09-2022 1:06pm


Originally Posted by StorytellerStealth (Post 1998757)
Guess greedy companies wanting to pay 50 cents an hour with no benefits with workers working 16 hours a day, Six to seven days a week, has nothing to do with product manufacturing being shipped overseas?

Show me a company in the USA that can try that now.As others have stated unions had their place but nowadays they are not needed.
Go over to China and you'll still find companies like that and most are American-owned liberal loving ones at that.:slap:

Dan47 10-09-2022 1:41pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1998755)
Many years ago i looked into setting up a woodworking business. quickly found that every .gov level will have their hand out: up front fees for business license, ongoing fees to keep said license, record keeping every day or week to track income and expenses so i could keep .gov informed of my progress. quarterly payments to .gov for 'gross receipts tax', income taxes, FICA taxes. did the math quickly, found that i'd be handing over about 1/2 my money to these 'partners' i didn't hire.

screw that.

i'm not working past lunch, and in my evenings just to keep .gov happy and full of my sweat labor.

now if i could simply keep what i earn, and not have to keep such close track of things...then i might reconsider.

This ^. Government has taken over our economy and things cannot get better until that gets fixed. Everywhere we look, there’s one problem after another produced by this entity, the ultimate “taker”.

Dan47 10-09-2022 1:52pm


Originally Posted by StorytellerStealth (Post 1998757)
Guess greedy companies wanting to pay 50 cents an hour with no benefits with workers working 16 hours a day, Six to seven days a week, has nothing to do with product manufacturing being shipped overseas?

No, not really. You imagine a gulf between the abilities of owners and workers. A gulf that exists only in your mind, for the most part.

Government intrusion in markets has caused the problems, including their decision to create the dollar reserve currency. An endless parade of second order consequences that somehow manages to enrich a bunch of the decision makers in government.

But folks like you keep demanding government “do something”, so we all get to watch this latest experiment in socialism destroy our Republic.

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