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ChasC5 04-22-2011 12:07pm

US involvement deepens with deployment of Predator drones
Are you paying attention War Hawks; this is how you fight Low-Tech … with High-Tech! :yesnod:

You Kick Ass using your superior “brain-power” over “brawn-power”! :cheers:

Get-R-Done Troops! :hurray:


American involvement in the Libyan crisis appeared to be deepening on Friday following the announcement that US Predator drones would be deployed and praise from an influential senator for the "heroes" of the rebel opposition.

John McCain, the most senior Republican on the Senate armed services committee and a strong advocate of intervention in the Libyan civil war, visited the rebel opposition leadership in its eastern stronghold of Benghazi for an "on the ground assessment" of the situation.

"These are my heroes," he said, referring to the rebels. McCain has pushed for the US to arm the opposition as part of a drive to force Muammar Gaddafi from power, and has criticised America's decision to take a back seat in the international military action against Libyan government forces.

However, the announcement on Thursday night of the US deployment of armed Predator drones over Libya indicates a renewed effort to relieve the siege of Misrata and force a breakthrough in the deadlocked conflict in the east.

Predator drones – controversial because of their use against targets in Pakistan and Afghanistan in which civilians have been killed – were expected to be deployed over Misrata immediately. However, the first mission, armed with Hellfire missiles, was forced to turn back because of bad weather.

The Libyan government said their use would result in the deaths of "more civilians" and was "illegitimate". The authorities claim many civilians have been killed by Nato airstrikes, although they have failed to provide evidence to foreign media based in the west of the country.

The deployment of Predators follows the despatch of military advisers from Britain, France and Italy, plus the allocation of an expected $25m (£15.15m) worth of "non-lethal" equipment from the US to the rebel opposition.

The leaders of the international alliance against Libya claims such steps are within the remit of the UN security council resolution allowing action to protect civilians, but some countries have warned against mission creep.

Rebel leaders have appealed for intensified action from Nato and some have demanded ground troops. The Libyan government said the presence of foreign troops in the country would be viewed as an act of war and that it would arm its civilians to resist.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, said Nato action had reduced Gaddafi's military capability by about a third.

"We've attrited somewhere between 30 and 40% of his main ground forces, his ground force capabilities. Those will continue to go away over time," he told US troops in Baghdad.

He said the conflict was "moving towards a stalemate". Many military analysts have concluded that a stalemate was reached some time ago.

Libyan state TV claimed nine people were killed in an overnight air strike in the western city of Sirte, although that could not be verified.

Meanwhile, a border post between Libya and Tunisia was reported to be in rebel hands despite claims by the Libyan government that its forces had retaken the crossing.

Rebel forces displayed weapons seized from fleeing government troops, according to Reuters, and the rebel tricolour flag was flying above the border post near the Tunisian town of Dehiba, witnesses said.
Libya crisis: US involvement deepens with deployment of Predator drones | World news |

DAB 04-22-2011 1:26pm

time to pack up our stuff and soldiers and come home. let them sort out their messes. if we aren't going to conquer and keep some treasure (like oil or timber or gold), then quit wasting our fortune digging holes in the sand.

ChasC5 04-22-2011 1:33pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 248407)
time to pack up our stuff and soldiers and come home. let them sort out their messes. if we aren't going to conquer and keep some treasure (like oil or timber or gold), then quit wasting our fortune digging holes in the sand.

Let them put their dead in those hole ... :cheers: no charge. :yesnod:

RetiredSFC 97 04-22-2011 2:23pm

I have no words for this lunacy and I won't even mention the hypocrisy of dems supporting any war!

I'm so sick of the libs bullshit I could scream! They are the enemy of the US.

ChasC5 04-23-2011 2:50pm


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 249664)

Do you feel the US being in the "war" in Lybia is justified? Yes or no?

I think we've already done our part. But if we need to in it with the collation, then we should do it the Intellegent way and not the Cowboy way. :yesnod:

ChasC5 04-23-2011 2:52pm


Originally Posted by RetiredSFC 97 (Post 248455)
I have no words for this lunacy and I won't even mention the hypocrisy of dems supporting any war!

I'm so sick of the libs bullshit I could scream! They are the enemy of the US.

If you're going to be in a War, why not be in one that cost less and saves American Troops.

Don't be Envyious :D

NotSlo 04-23-2011 5:13pm


Originally Posted by ChasC5 (Post 249707)
If you're going to be in a War, why not be in one that cost less and saves American Troops.

Don't be Envyious :D


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 249805)
So is that a yes or a no?

What specifically define as "the cowboy way"?

He is quite the double talking deflector :rofl:

LATB 04-23-2011 5:30pm

where's the anti war left crowd?

when Bush was using drones...he was critized because of the civillian casualties.

Chas is correct...things change in 26 months. :rolleyes:

LATB 04-23-2011 5:33pm


give me 30 days as CIC...I'll have the Middle East beggin' for mercy.

I'll have them rag head camel jockey goat fu@kers offering us free oil...all we want..

30 days. And you won't hear a fukin peep from the Islamic nutz for a century or more...if ever.

DAB 04-23-2011 5:58pm


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 249664)

Do you feel the US being in the "war" in Lybia is justified? Yes or no?


we have no business poking our nose in Lybia. Obama said we went there because he didn't want to see the 'rebels' killed and oppressed. at the same time he's forcing medical plans down our throat. Sir, how about we keep our fortune at home and let the rest of the world sort out their own problems. this extends to Iraq and Afghanistan, time to declare victory, pack up our stuff, and go home. likewise, let other places provide for their own defense, including South Korea, Japan, Europe, and any other place where we are not deriving a direct benefit (like defending natural resources we use).

LATB 04-23-2011 6:25pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 249873)

we have no business poking our nose in Lybia. Obama said we went there because he didn't want to see the 'rebels' killed and oppressed. at the same time he's forcing medical plans down our throat. Sir, how about we keep our fortune at home and let the rest of the world sort out their own problems. this extends to Iraq and Afghanistan, time to declare victory, pack up our stuff, and go home. likewise, let other places provide for their own defense, including South Korea, Japan, Europe, and any other place where we are not deriving a direct benefit (like defending natural resources we use).


pack up our sh!t and GTFO...and take some stuff w/ a few hundred tankers full of crude.

then tell them rag heads if they raise the price of crude or try to stop shipping it to us...we will turn their little shangri-la into a fu@king sand box...

won't be a fukin building standing...there will be NO infrastructure...NO transportation...NO airport...

those fuk heads WILL be 100% dependent on our every whim...step out of line and we level another city...until they get their fukin hearts & minds right.

30 fu@king days...and those brown eyed bastards will forget all about Sharia Law.

Promise you.

ChasC5 04-23-2011 7:01pm


Originally Posted by LarsAtTheBeach (Post 249849)
where's the anti war left crowd?

when Bush was using drones...he was critized because of the civillian casualties.

Chas is correct...things change in 26 months. :rolleyes:

You don't have tell me thing have changed. :yesnod:

Would you believe Obama is the blame for everything that has taken a decade to create. :D

LATB 04-23-2011 7:45pm


Originally Posted by ChasC5 (Post 249936)
You don't have tell me thing have changed. :yesnod:

Would you believe Obama is the blame for everything that has taken a decade to create. :D


he is not to blame for the past decade.

you missed my point (as per usual)

my post asked where the anti-war crowd is? you know, the ones who blasted W for using drones that kill innocent civilians...

ChasC5 04-23-2011 8:16pm


Originally Posted by LarsAtTheBeach (Post 250013)

he is not to blame for the past decade.

you missed my point (as per usual)

my post asked where the anti-war crowd is? you know, the ones who blasted W for using drones that kill innocent civilians...

I wasn't one of them. :confused5:

LATB 04-23-2011 8:34pm


Originally Posted by ChasC5 (Post 250098)
I wasn't one of them. :confused5:

maybe not.

but your party...and practically everyone in it...including Obama...was anti war until 26 months ago.


ChasC5 04-23-2011 9:06pm


Originally Posted by LarsAtTheBeach (Post 250135)
maybe not.

but your party...and practically everyone in it...including Obama...was anti war until 26 months ago.


Did you forget his words; Smart Wars. :D

Not Cowboy. :cheers:

LATB 04-23-2011 9:30pm


Originally Posted by ChasC5 (Post 250181)
Did you forget his words; Smart Wars. :D

Not Cowboy. :cheers:


Originally Posted by LarsAtTheBeach (Post 250013)

he is not to blame for the past decade.

you missed my point (as per usual)

my post asked where the anti-war crowd is? you know, the ones who blasted W for using drones that kill innocent civilians...


leec4ce 04-25-2011 7:52am


Originally Posted by ChasC5 (Post 250181)
Did you forget his words; Smart Wars. :D

Not Cowboy. :cheers:

What is the objective in this “Smart War”?:question:

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