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SQUIRMIN VERMIN 84 01-13-2013 6:18am

Redistribution of Wealth fails in TEXAS!
by Drew Karedes / KHOU 11 News
Posted on January 11, 2013 at 9:32 PM
Updated Friday, Jan 11 at 9:46 PM

HOUSTON -- A couple of strangers came to the rescue when a man was robbed at gunpoint. Now, the victim wants to say thank you to the Good Samaritans.

Police believe the criminal who was canvassing a neighborhood in the 2500 block of Wichita near Hermann Park had no idea what he was in for when he picked his target.

The victim in this case had just walked back to his car from a bar around the corner.

Kevin Dorsey says he hadn’t even closed his car door Thursday night when a man wearing all black and a ski mask put a gun to his chest. The man took Dorsey’s wallet, cell phone and car keys.

After he was robbed, Dorsey began running down the street and says two men in a Mercedes asked him what had happened.

Dorsey told them and they not only caught up with the suspect, but they started shooting at him.

The suspect fired back. In the end, the two witnesses turned vigilantes won and took down the bad guy.

“I don’t believe in guns,” said Dorsey. “I don’t own a gun. I’m totally at the mercy of my saviors. They obviously sent two angels to help me. These people protected me when I couldn’t protect myself.”

After the robber had been shot, police say he jumped over a fence and was attacked by a German Shepherd. That attack prevented him from getting away.

The suspect, identified as Christopher Hutchins, is being treated at Ben Taub Hospital. He’s expected to recover

WW7 01-13-2013 9:49am

I love reading these kind of articles.. It doesn't say if the 2 guys got into any trouble for firing on the robber.. In Texas they may get an award from the state...:rofl:...WW

C4fan 01-13-2013 10:53am

Driving down the road shooting out of a vehicle is extremely reckless. But, it's always good to hear stories where the good guy gets to shoot the bad guy.

Frizlefrak 01-13-2013 2:59pm

In Texas, you don't phuck with the good guys....or the dogs. ;)

SQUIRMIN VERMIN 84 01-14-2013 7:30pm

Now you're talkin' common sense!
from The daily Caller 1-14-13

Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman threatened Monday afternoon that he would file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he institutes gun control measures with an executive order.

Stockman warned that such executive orders would be “unconstitutional” and “infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.”

“I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment,” Stockman said in a statement.

At his press conference Monday, Obama floated the possibility of using executive action to enact policies aimed at reducing gun violence.

The freshman congressman, who served one term in Congress in the mid-1990s, further labeled the possibility “an existential threat to this nation” because, he said, the purpose of the Second Amendment is to allow the people to protect themselves from tyranny.

“Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible,” he added. “Under no circumstances whatsoever may the government take any action that disarms any peaceable person — much less without due process through an executive declaration without a vote of Congress or a ruling of a court.”

He concluded by claiming that an executive order would be not just “not just an attack on the Constitution,” but also an “attack on Americans.”

“If the president is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist,” he said.

Walter Williams video, Americans Misunderstand 2d Amendment:

Read more: GOP congressman threatens impeachment if Obama uses executive action for gun control | The Daily Caller

WW7 01-14-2013 7:41pm

Finally, someone with the balls to stand up and take action against the idiots in power... This guy may very well be a good candidate for our next president... Maybe real soon if Obumer gets impeached. Congress is packed with people afraid to make a stand on anything, If there asked a question by the media, all they do is mumble and sidestep the question without giving any direct answers..It's nice to finally see someone with a truthful indication of there intent.WW

Frizlefrak 01-14-2013 8:26pm

Obama may be in over his head on this one.....

WW7 01-14-2013 8:40pm


Originally Posted by Frizlefrak (Post 860230)
Obama may be in over his head on this one.....

He has nothing to lose, it's not like he's worried about being re-elected..He can swing for the fence with this gun control bullshet and not worry about a thing..Remember the saying Friz..The most dangerous person is the one with nothing to lose....WW

Frizlefrak 01-15-2013 10:14pm


Originally Posted by WW7 (Post 860241)
He has nothing to lose, it's not like he's worried about being re-elected..He can swing for the fence with this gun control bullshet and not worry about a thing..Remember the saying Friz..The most dangerous person is the one with nothing to lose....WW

:iagree: Never underestimate a man who has nothing to lose.

SQUIRMIN VERMIN 84 01-16-2013 1:30am


The American Revolution was fought to rid ourselves of a monarch.....

SQUIRMIN VERMIN 84 01-21-2013 4:48am

Gun Free Zones are mass killer's hunting preserves for innocent people. Period.

DukeAllen 01-21-2013 7:33am


Originally Posted by SQUIRMIN VERMIN 84 (Post 865517)
Liberal poosey governed areas are mass killer's hunting preserves for innocent people. Period.


SQUIRMIN VERMIN 84 01-25-2013 11:57am

Or is it Government By an Elite Ruling Class?

notice the distinction made in the 2d paragraph-not just law enforcement, but gubbmint officials and OTHERS, including politicians?
The BlogFeinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials
8:06 AM, Jan 25, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER

Not everyone will have to abide by Senator Dianne Feinstein's gun control bill. If the proposed legislation becomes law, government officials(local, state and federal?), and others will be exempt.

"Mrs. Feinstein's measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement personnel," the Washington Times reports.

The Huffington Post confirms these exemptions, and adds that guns owned prior to the legislation becoming law will be permissible, too. "[T]he bill includes a number of exemptions: It exempts more than 2,200 hunting and sporting weapons; any gun manually operated by a bolt, pump, lever or slide action; any weapons used by government officials and law enforcement; and any weapons legally owned as of the date of the bill's enactment."

The bill's measures include stopping "the sale, manufacture and importation of 158 specifically named military-style firearms and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. It would also ban an additional group of assault weapons that accept detachable ammunition magazines and have at least one military characteristic," according to the Huffington Post.

The left-leaning website adds: "Other new provisions include requiring background checks on all future transfers of assault weapons covered under the bill and eliminating the 10-year sunset that allowed the original ban to expire."

RedLS1GTO 01-25-2013 3:57pm


Originally Posted by WW7 (Post 860241)
He can swing for the fence with this gun control bullshet and not worry about a thing...

I only have 1 thing to say to that...

MOLON LABE mother f*ckers.

WW7 01-25-2013 6:53pm


Originally Posted by RedLS1GTO (Post 868764)
I only have 1 thing to say to that...

MOLON LABE mother f*ckers.

Glad to see Im not the only one who believes in being heavily armed.... I just picked up this Nikon P223 scope last week..Now all I need is to load some ammo...:seasix:...WW

DukeAllen 01-25-2013 7:54pm

I wonder how many millions was wasted on this study. .gov decided it's stolen guns being used in crime. There should be a law:slap:
'Hot' Guns Fueling Crime, U.S. Study Says - ABC News

SQUIRMIN VERMIN 84 01-25-2013 9:34pm


Originally Posted by DukeAllen (Post 868938)
I wonder how many millions was wasted on this study. .gov decided it's stolen guns being used in crime. There should be a law:slap:
'Hot' Guns Fueling Crime, U.S. Study Says - ABC News

:iagree: Laws prevent crime. No criminal will dare to break a law. Apparently the Newtown Ct shooter was unaware that it's against the law to kill someone.

RedLS1GTO 01-25-2013 9:41pm


Originally Posted by WW7 (Post 868913)
Glad to see Im not the only one who believes in being heavily armed.... I just picked up this Nikon P223 scope last week..Now all I need is to load some ammo...:seasix:...WW

Too bad they all fell in the river in that horrific fishing accident. :(

DukeAllen 01-25-2013 9:41pm

I'm sure if we ask nicely the criminals will not rob or kill anyone anymore.

WW7 01-26-2013 8:04am


Originally Posted by RedLS1GTO (Post 868988)
Too bad they all fell in the river in that horrific fishing accident. :(

That must of been the same boating accident Mikey (Nutz4c4) was in...:D.. He lost all his guns also....What a shame...:leaving:...WW

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