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Cybercowboy 12-14-2017 4:03pm

In case anyone cares about what's going on on reddit right now...
They are in a total meltdown over "Net Neutrality" getting undone and things put back they way they were before Obama's FCC slapped Title II regs on ISP's. They are blaming The_Donald, or at least taking out their anger on that sub. Every user on T_D is currently shadow banned from the entire site apparently. Not sure if it's permanent or not. They say we want to censor the internet (we don't) but they do censor the internet and are fine with places like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Twitter doing it to conservatives (you know, Nazis) and are the very thing they say they are against.

Edit: And I guess they made their little statement. Things are back to normal. They are such little crybabies there.

OddBall 12-14-2017 4:06pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1603208)
They are in a total meltdown over "Net Neutrality" getting undone and things put back they way they were before Obama's FCC slapped Title II regs on ISP's. They are blaming The_Donald, or at least taking out their anger on that sub. Every user on T_D is currently shadow banned from the entire site apparently. Not sure if it's permanent or not. They say we want to censor the internet (we don't) but they do censor the internet and are fine with places like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Twitter doing it to conservatives (you know, Nazis) and are the very thing they say they are against.

The left has become it's own antitheses.

Aerovette 12-14-2017 4:14pm

I guess I'm confused. I see NN as a good thing. What am I missing?

My concern is this.

If the electric company no longer just sent power to your house and you consumed it, but instead says you will get X watts for lighting, Y watts for Air Conditioning, Z watts for cooking, and # watts for entertainment.

Then you end up down the "Comcast" rabbit hole where you have to upgrade your lighting watts to the next level and pay a fee for not using LEDs , which they will be HAPPY to provide for a fee.

I want to turn on the internet faucet and ALL the water comes out at the same speed and the same chemical composition.

The internet providers will absolutely bastardize the intent and it will soon be like free phones that are now $900.00 and amortized over your contract period.

Mike Mercury 12-14-2017 4:25pm

"Net Neutrality" will end up as free-speeched as the AHCA (Affordable HealthCare Act) is truly low cost/affordable.

Cybercowboy 12-14-2017 4:31pm


Originally Posted by aerovette (Post 1603211)
I guess I'm confused. I see NN as a good thing. What am I missing?

My concern is this.

If the electric company no longer just sent power to your house and you consumed it, but instead says you will get X watts for lighting, Y watts for Air Conditioning, Z watts for cooking, and # watts for entertainment.

Then you end up down the "Comcast" rabbit hole where you have to upgrade your lighting watts to the next level and pay a fee for not using LEDs , which they will be HAPPY to provide for a fee.

I want to turn on the internet faucet and ALL the water comes out at the same speed and the same chemical composition.

The internet providers will absolutely bastardize the intent and it will soon be like free phones that are now $900.00 and amortized over your contract period.

So does everyone else. The big lie was that FCC Title II regulations, written in 1934 and foisted on the ISP's and backbone providers by the Obama admin in 2015, provided anything resembling "Net Neutrality". Like they called ObamaCare the "Affordable Care Act." Like North Korea calls itself the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea." You get the idea. What NN was in reality was an innovation killer that caused, for the first time since the internet was invented, a negative growth rate in new internet IT infrastructure. That's because Title II regs make it very tough for a smallish ISP to build out new trunks. Especially if they go across state lines.

Everything the shills shilling for NN were telling you were made to make you want NN. "Oh, there will be tiered service." There was tiered service under NN, it's everywhere. "Oh, they'll charge you extra for Netflix!" The FTC did a great job keeping ISP's in line prior to 2015. And frankly, it's really up to the free market to decide how much bandwidth is worth and how much you are willing to pay to get a bunch if you want it.

That's it pretty much. Under Title II regs you had to notify the State Department with your plans, along with something like 17 other government entities, for anything you were going to do. You had to get their approval. It was heinous.

The reason Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc wanted to keep NN is because it took power away from the actually effective FTC and gave it to the FCC, which is a complete shit show. And, guess what? The FTC actually has the power to enforce anti-trust laws against these giants. That's why guys like George Soros and Obama were on board. These giant companies were insidiously censoring their content, as we've all seen since around 2015, and they needed to silence the right. That's pretty much it.

boracayjohnny 12-14-2017 5:09pm

If it weren't for The Donald I don't know if I'd go there. Reddit is generally, and very often, a leftist cesspool. Bunch of fukks who claim Reddit is the bastion of freedom yet censors, you guessed it, The Donald.

Oh yea, there's rumors r/politics was bought by other leftists to push an agenda...take a guess which side is very dominant there. The selling price was $2.9M to the mods. Yea, Reddit is just a rose garden covered in angel feathers.

Cybercowboy 12-14-2017 5:41pm


Originally Posted by boracayjohnny (Post 1603219)
If it weren't for The Donald I don't know if I'd go there. Reddit is generally, and very often, a leftist cesspool. Bunch of fukks who claim Reddit is the bastion of freedom yet censors, you guessed it, The Donald.

Oh yea, there's rumors r/politics was bought by other leftists to push an agenda...take a guess which side is very dominant there. The selling price was $2.9M to the mods. Yea, Reddit is just a rose garden covered in angel feathers.

It's a festering cesspool of leftism in vast swaths of it, particularly in the defaults. I definitely would never even go there except for T_D. Reddit was a lot better a couple years ago. And yes, r/politics was bought out by the ShariaBlue Soros-bots for less than $3 million. Word is that CEO Huffman got over half of that himself.

DAB 12-14-2017 5:47pm

never been there. :DAB:

Cybercowboy 12-14-2017 5:57pm


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 1603227)

What is needed is the oligopoly currently in place to be broken up.

Remember the low cost of dialup when there was a lot of competition and they all used the same phone lines?

We don't have that now. At best people may have two choices for an internet provider. Most only have one.

OK, and FCC Title II regulations, made to regulate a monopoly while keeping it a monopoly for decades, helps how? Doesn't matter anyway, it's gone.

Bill 12-14-2017 6:12pm

I really only go there for The_Donald (hat tip to Cyber), but I enjoy trolling in r/politics and I enjoy /aww, and rarely, r/shittycarmods.

Cybercowboy 12-14-2017 6:16pm


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 1603230)
When there is REAL competition in broadband access come talk to me.

But hey, I know anything Trump and his administration does can't be wrong. :rolleyes:

And it's "gone" till the Democrats get back control of the FCC.

You are completely missing the point here. Obama/globalists nearly garnered complete control over the US internet with Title II regs paired with his Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S.2692)

It would allow any Title II regulated ISP to lose their friggin' license if they refused to block "propagandists, disinformation" under a very wide umbrella of interpretation. Title II regulation gives the .gov the Sword of Damoclese over ISP's. You only dreamed/imagined it had shit to do with competition or throttling. It's quite the opposite actually. It had to do with putting the final touches on a way to take utter control of the information flow on the internet, and in such a way that the boiled frog barely uttered a whimper.

Can the left/globalists try again. Certainly, and they will. We dodged a huge bullet last election.

Aerovette 12-14-2017 6:18pm

Apparently I am using reddit for all the wrong reasons.

Jasper711 12-14-2017 6:55pm


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 1603227)

What is needed is the oligopoly currently in place to be broken up.

Remember the low cost of dialup when there was a lot of competition and they all used the same phone lines?

We don't have that now. At best people may have two choices for an internet provider. Most only have one.

It seems like the rules of NN would remove incentive to develop networks or service providers.

Bill 12-14-2017 7:13pm


Originally Posted by Jasper711 (Post 1603239)
It seems like the rules of NN would remove incentive to develop networks or service providers.

Exactly. Let's take the marijuana growing business. Without laws and regulation, the barriers to entry in that business would be pretty low. Prices would probably be comparable to buying tomatoes.

Got some seeds, dirt, and water? Congrats, you are a marijuana farmer. Now, add in government prohibition. Most people won't want to take the risk of going to jail and have their house seized to grow some plants, so they won't, and those who will grow it or import it from Mexico will be able to charge a lot more, because of the artificial barrier to entry caused by government prohibition. Net Neutrality was an artificial barrier to entry into the market.

boracayjohnny 12-14-2017 7:33pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1603226)
It's a festering cesspool of leftism in vast swaths of it, particularly in the defaults. I definitely would never even go there except for T_D. Reddit was a lot better a couple years ago. And yes, r/politics was bought out by the ShariaBlue Soros-bots for less than $3 million. Word is that CEO Huffman got over half of that himself.

Remember when you could immediately go to Reddit when big shit happened and it was front and center. Now, the place to see that is The Donald. It's a crazy world when Reddit News or All is a has been. Oh sure, big shit will get there...eventually and muted.

Bill 12-14-2017 11:06pm

Cybercowboy 12-14-2017 11:07pm


Originally Posted by boracayjohnny (Post 1603247)
Remember when you could immediately go to Reddit when big shit happened and it was front and center. Now, the place to see that is The Donald. It's a crazy world when Reddit News or All is a has been. Oh sure, big shit will get there...eventually and muted.

Indeed. It changed so much in just two years that it's simply mind boggling.

Cybercowboy 12-15-2017 8:39am

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