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Bill 04-20-2024 2:36pm

Your US Congress Just Voted to Borrow MOAR Money to Send to the Ukraine...
....and are cheering and chanting over that 'success.'

Sickening. Maybe one day we'll have a Congress that votes America First and chants USA, USA instead of Ukraine Ukraine.


Bill 04-20-2024 3:46pm

Bill 04-20-2024 5:09pm

LATB 04-20-2024 5:11pm


Bill 04-20-2024 9:39pm

Here's the R House members that voted to send your money to the Ukraine and Israel, leaving you, American citizens, with the bill:

Torqaholic 04-21-2024 5:45am

No big deal, they can print a trillion dollars in an afternoon.

Meanwhile I just opened a jar of mustard with an expiration date from 2.5 years ago. It's not yellow anymore but it tastes O.K. and it damn sure beats starving to death.

slewfoot 04-21-2024 6:54am


Originally Posted by LATB (Post 2248879)

Sure is. Congress working out a deal the way it should be.

MadInNc 04-21-2024 8:21am

Blackrock THnAkS us.

Bruze 04-21-2024 10:07am

2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 100435

Attachment 100436

Swany00 04-21-2024 10:27am

**** America's borders

Bill 04-21-2024 12:24pm


Originally Posted by slewfoot (Post 2248987)
Sure is. Congress working out a deal the way it should be.

You don't find it unfortunate that the 'deals' are good for the Ukraine, good for Israel, and good for Taiwan, but there's ZERO for Americans? And actually, this isn't even good for the Ukraine, as it just keeps the destruction and killing of White people going. Stop funding the war, end the war.

No change in the open border policy, no money to stop the illegal hordes pushing through. No help for East Palestine, no help for Laihana, no help for homeless US veterans, nothing, but sure, your great grandkids can enjoy making interest only payments on this money their whole lives.

roadpilot 04-21-2024 2:05pm

Johnson needs to resign or booted out of office.

Bill 04-21-2024 4:54pm


Originally Posted by roadpilot (Post 2249212)
Johnson needs to resign or booted out of office.

Apparently they showed Johnson the blackmail they have on him. Maybe there was something hinky about him adopting a 14 year old black boy as a single person? Shades of Adam Shiff and Ed Buck, especially considering that boy has been in criminal trouble his whole adult life, up to and including today.

Reminds me of Hunter and Ashleigh.....screwed up kids that became screwed up adults.

Bill 04-21-2024 5:03pm

Bill 04-21-2024 5:06pm

It's also important to consider that the one Ukrainian-American in Congress, Victoria Spartz, did NOT vote for this bullshit. Her allegiance is solidly to America, not where she came it's supposed to be.

Many others in Congress, the dual citizen brigade, could take a lesson from Victoria.

Bill 04-21-2024 8:35pm

Bill 04-21-2024 10:13pm

Tikiman 04-22-2024 6:06am

It should be quite obvious to all but the most stupid (democrats) that we have become nothing more than tax slaves for the rest of the world. It has been that way for a while now, but until recently the turd fondlers at least let us have a few crumbs from the table.

Tikiman 04-22-2024 6:14am

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The gay, coke-snorting, dancing garden gnome is doing pretty well for himself.

Tikiman 04-22-2024 6:36am

1 Attachment(s)

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