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Peter Pan 06-29-2010 10:44am

Obama Under Water One Straight Year Today
The Stronly Approve/Disaprove polling from Rasmussen has had Obama under water since last June 29th ..... every day, for one solid year.

Since his inauguration in Jan 2009, he was above water for 5 months .... and then plunged under water for te next twelve ..... and counting.

"Unprecendented". :beer:

ChasC5 06-29-2010 11:51am

There have been a lot of “Unprecedented” events that have happened over the last 18 months … and a President’s popularity is the least important to me out of all of them. :yesnod:

Peter Pan 06-29-2010 11:56am


Originally Posted by ChasC5 (Post 40152)
There have been a lot of “Unprecedented” events that have happened over the last 18 months … and a President’s popularity is the least important to me out of all of them. :yesnod:

His lack of leadership in crisis worries me as his failing as the CEO of America, his not ever holding a real job is now hurting American's:cheers:

ChasC5 06-29-2010 12:24pm


Originally Posted by Peter Pan (Post 40155)
His lack of leadership in crisis worries me as his failing as the CEO of America, his not ever holding a real job is now hurting American's:cheers:

Wait a minute, hold on there, I’ll go with you part way on this, experience he lack but his intelligence in an abundance, more so than usual. In any leadership role, experience counts … real big. But having experience, but lacking intelligence is flat out dangerous, if not deadly. I have over 25 years Software Development experience, with 12 as a Manager and Director. Early on, what I lacked in experience, my intelligence carried me the rest of the way. The smartest thing an intelligent new leader can do is surround himself with more intelligent people and not just friends. I don’t think any reasonable person would pit George W. Bush against Barack Obama in an intelligence match. It wouldn’t be a far contest. Come-on now be honest

As far as how he’s handling a crises everyone other month, while trying to get our legislators to do anything but “nothing” … I’ll give him a C+ for tolerating and babysitting adults at the job. There are people we elected who’s entire existence as a legislator is to defy the Presidency, simply for political purposes. Anyone who denies that is lying to themselves or is part of the problem. But that’s politics … and he’s doing better than I would have at dealing with it and still concentrating on the job at hand.

The one thing I’m happy with him doing is that he’s killing all the typical Black Stereotypes and leaving a lot people with nothing else to do but show their true colors. You have to admit, he’s calm, cool customer. He doesn’t get rattled and he doesn’t fly off the handle and make rash decisions without first thinking them over. They may not be the decisions you like, but you can’t say he just popped off with a decision.

It’s been a pleasure sparing with you, but I have to go back to work … or actually get some work done … who does it is strictly up to me. :lolsmile:


Z06PDQ 06-29-2010 3:08pm

the only thing people will care about come election time is their pocketbooks. remember,Reagan started with 10% unemployment. if the economy keeps rolling & more jobs being added keeps the unemployment rate coming down he will be a shoe in. Chas nailed it about the Party of No. they don't care about anything but how to stop him & it's killing them that they haven't been able to. polls are like the stock market. the numbers go up & the numbers go down. :seeya:

Peter Pan 06-30-2010 10:39am


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 40161)
the only thing people will care about come election time is their pocketbooks. remember,Reagan started with 10% unemployment. if the economy keeps rolling & more jobs being added keeps the unemployment rate coming down he will be a shoe in. Chas nailed it about the Party of No. they don't care about anything but how to stop him & it's killing them that they haven't been able to. polls are like the stock market. the numbers go up & the numbers go down. :seeya:

So far the unemployment and the defict have soared under Obama, tomorrow will be another weak employment announcement, the party of know did not waste a trillion $$ on stimilus that has not worked 9.7% unemployment when we were under 8% when this bill took effect, yes hope and change is working, ask the bond holders of GM:D

Z06PDQ 06-30-2010 11:00am


Originally Posted by Peter Pan (Post 40281)
So far the unemployment and the defict have soared under Obama, tomorrow will be another weak employment announcement, the party of know did not waste a trillion $$ on stimilus that has not worked 9.7% unemployment when we were under 8% when this bill took effect, yes hope and change is working, ask the bond holders of GM:D

we were losing 3/4 of a million jobs a month when W left office. I hope your pecker is longer than your memory. :D GM is online to pay back the loan next summer. :seeya: health care reform? check. financial reform? check. stopped the greatest depression known to man dead in it's tracks? check. I don't know what it takes for you to see change, but I know it when I see it. :cheers:

ChasC5 06-30-2010 12:36pm


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 40292)
we were losing 3/4 of a million jobs a month when W left office. I hope your pecker is longer than your memory. :D GM is online to pay back the loan next summer. :seeya: health care reform? check. financial reform? check. stopped the greatest depression known to man dead in it's tracks? check. I don't know what it takes for you to see change, but I know it when I see it. :cheers:

:yesnod:Perspective is everything … Check where the DOWJ, NASDAQ and S&P 500 was on March 5th 2009

Memories are short :cheers:

Peter Pan 06-30-2010 1:17pm


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 40292)
we were losing 3/4 of a million jobs a month when W left office. I hope your pecker is longer than your memory. :D GM is online to pay back the loan next summer. :seeya: health care reform? check. financial reform? check. stopped the greatest depression known to man dead in it's tracks? check. I don't know what it takes for you to see change, but I know it when I see it. :cheers:

Link to President Bush's history of his growth and loss of jobs? I see the GM bond holders, Americans that lost billions of there $$ dose not count as well as all the workers that lost there jobs when the factories closed or the suppliers that got stiffed and closed, short sighted here, oh yea they are going to pay back the Govt and this is good, but where are the jobs. Financial reform is a joke without including Freddie and Fannie Mae that we are still pouring endless tax $$ into without positive results. HC reform, will be a fiscal nightmare and cost way over what is proposed, the Federal Govt has never come in under any budget in my liftetime and this would be the first.

Where is the proof Obama stopped the greatest depression known to man, he must be the savior of the world, look at the results he got from the latest G-20 Summit in Canada, the other world leaders gave him the cold shoulder on defict spending, seems they realize that Socalism is not working in there part of the world, just look at Greece:yesnod::yesnod:

Z06PDQ 06-30-2010 1:51pm


Originally Posted by Peter Pan (Post 40311)
Link to President Bush's history of his growth and loss of jobs? I see the GM bond holders, Americans that lost billions of there $$ dose not count as well as all the workers that lost there jobs when the factories closed or the suppliers that got stiffed and closed, short sighted here, oh yea they are going to pay back the Govt and this is good, but where are the jobs. Financial reform is a joke without including Freddie and Fannie Mae that we are still pouring endless tax $$ into without positive results. HC reform, will be a fiscal nightmare and cost way over what is proposed, the Federal Govt has never come in under any budget in my liftetime and this would be the first.

Where is the proof Obama stopped the greatest depression known to man, he must be the savior of the world, look at the results he got from the latest G-20 Summit in Canada, the other world leaders gave him the cold shoulder on defict spending, seems they realize that Socalism is not working in there part of the world, just look at Greece:yesnod::yesnod:

PolitiFact | Biden says job losses have fallen from 750,000 per month to 35,000 per month what part of "we couldn't afford to lose our largest mfg. base" by allowing the automakers to go belly up do you not get? 3,000,000 people indirectly employed as vendors, sub contractors would have bankrupted our nation in record time when they hit the streets. you are totally daft if you don't understand this.

Peter Pan 06-30-2010 2:01pm


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 40316)
PolitiFact | Biden says job losses have fallen from 750,000 per month to 35,000 per month what part of "we couldn't afford to lose our largest mfg. base" by allowing the automakers to go belly up do you not get? 3,000,000 people indirectly employed as vendors, sub contractors would have bankrupted our nation in record time when they hit the streets. you are totally daft if you don't understand this.

So when Bush left office unemployement was under 8%, how did we get above 10% and now at 9.7% is the stimilus really created jobs? 18 months in office and over 1 year of stimilus, and lots of GM bond holders who do not count, and closed GM factories and suppliers that is one reason the unemployment rate has increased. Biden may be right about the last 3 months of W, but the first 18 months of Obama are worse with 9.7% umemployement and this month's number to be release tomorrow is going to be weak at best:cheers: It is working that hope and change for America, glad I did not vote for going forward this way:cheers:

Z06PDQ 06-30-2010 2:25pm


Originally Posted by Peter Pan (Post 40322)
So when Bush left office unemployement was under 8%, how did we get above 10% and now at 9.7% is the stimilus really created jobs? 18 months in office and over 1 year of stimilus, and lots of GM bond holders who do not count, and closed GM factories and suppliers that is one reason the unemployment rate has increased. Biden may be right about the last 3 months of W, but the first 18 months of Obama are worse with 9.7% umemployement and this month's number to be release tomorrow is going to be weak at best:cheers: It is working that hope and change for America, glad I did not vote for going forward this way:cheers:

you will never get it. this ISN'T Obama's recession.the decline didn't start under Obama. there goes your memory again. :D we have been doing damage control & it's working. anytime things aren't getting worse after falling like a rock & finally leveling out IT'S WORKING!!! :yesnod: you people think we can get out of this by doing the same stupid **** that got us into it. absolute insanity. :banghead::wtf:

ChasC5 06-30-2010 2:37pm

The next several Presidents will be cleaning up this mess :yesnod:

Peter Pan 06-30-2010 2:40pm


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 40328)
you will never get it. this ISN'T Obama's recession.the decline didn't start under Obama. there goes your memory again. :D we have been doing damage control & it's working. anytime things aren't getting worse after falling like a rock & finally leveling out IT'S WORKING!!! :yesnod: you people think we can get out of this by doing the same stupid **** that got us into it. absolute insanity. :banghead::wtf:

Let's see when Regan took over from the President who I thought was the worst of my lifetime, he cut taxes and we got out of this mess, this time we are doing the exact opposite and seems they are leaking the jobs growth of 13k do the math over a year that is not even one month of job losses under the first year of Obama, we really are making headway here. I will never get what Obama is doing, spending money we do not have and trying to controlling everything I do, lets see housing sales last month at 13 year lows, yes the economy is really going forward and by 2020 we should be out of the slumber if we follow the Obama model, spend, tax and take over American Business, yes this works great:cheers:

Z06PDQ 06-30-2010 3:01pm


Originally Posted by Peter Pan (Post 40334)
Let's see when Regan took over from the President who I thought was the worst of my lifetime, he cut taxes and we got out of this mess, this time we are doing the exact opposite and seems they are leaking the jobs growth of 13k do the math over a year that is not even one month of job losses under the first year of Obama, we really are making headway here. I will never get what Obama is doing, spending money we do not have and trying to controlling everything I do, lets see housing sales last month at 13 year lows, yes the economy is really going forward and by 2020 we should be out of the slumber if we follow the Obama model, spend, tax and take over American Business, yes this works great:cheers:

yeah Reagan cut taxes. on the WEALTHY! wages & benefits grew NEARLY EVERY YEAR after WWII until Reagan. can you guess what they did then? did you say "they flattened & declined ever since?" ...GOOOD BOY!! :cheers: Jim Kramer predicts we will be in a housing shortage next summer. not everyone is blind to what is happening. :nono:

Peter Pan 06-30-2010 3:21pm


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 40339)
yeah Reagan cut taxes. on the WEALTHY! wages & benefits grew NEARLY EVERY YEAR after WWII until Reagan. can you guess what they did then? did you say "they flattened & declined ever since?" ...GOOOD BOY!! :cheers: Jim Kramer predicts we will be in a housing shortage next summer. not everyone is blind to what is happening. :nono:

Link showing wage and benefits declined? Mine grew under Regan and let's see I do currently sell Obama Care and in 2009 at the start of Obama's term, yes we were in recession, I had two employees by the summer of 2009 into the stimilus my business was down to me and still is. Housing shortage not going to happen, we can build house in no time, the problem is will people be working and earning enough to afford a house, lots of vacant houses around me in San Antonio an area of America that did not suffer, but then most of Texas did not. According to you the worlds problems are all Republicans, I see the problem as Socalism, look at Europe, they are running away from this as Obama embraches this failing and failed system, Russia is the best example here:cheers:

Z06PDQ 06-30-2010 3:39pm


Originally Posted by Peter Pan (Post 40344)
Link showing wage and benefits declined?

Wages in America: The Rich Get Richer saying we can help our selves by doing the same things that got us in this mess is stupidity personified. :yesnod:

Peter Pan 06-30-2010 3:50pm


Originally Posted by Z06PDQ (Post 40353)
Wages in America: The Rich Get Richer saying we can help our selves by doing the same things that got us in this mess is stupidity personified. :yesnod:

Jack Rasmus, National Writers Union, UAW 1981, AFL-CIO

I see this is a union bias here, matches what Obama likes, the Unions put GM and Chrysler down the tubes, inferior workman ship and the Asian plants in America that build vehicles that American's and the press say are better made and they make less $$ per hour produce a better product.

Big problem is the Unions, oh I never worked for one, so my jobs has not been protected and great benefits, Obama made sure that the GM bailout protected those union workers, what happened to the no union suppliers?

Biased Union article here:cheers:

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