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Will 03-03-2013 2:37pm

FAT CAMP (Fitness / Weight Loss / Diet / Exercise / Healthy Cooking MegaThread)
Welcome to..... ~~ Vette Barn Fat Camp ~~

Are you "big-boned" ?

Have you successfully identified all eleven herbs and spices in the colonel's secret recipe?

Do members of the opposite sex stare at you for all the wrong reasons?

Have you finally slammed your Cheeto-encrusted fists on the table and decided to do something about it?

Then this is the thread for you!!! Whether you made the decision today, a week ago, or a year(s) ago.

Share your progress, ask for tips/help, share healthy meal/recipe ideas, angrily debate low carb vs. low calorie vs. low fat, etc., etc., etc.

Just don't **** up the thread, OK?

Will 03-03-2013 2:37pm

Helpful Links: --- Track Your Weight, Macronutrients, Exercies, Measurements, etc. Super easy to use and Will Approved.

Physics Diet --- Freaking out over fluctuations? Plateaus? USE THIS. Just enter your weight each day, and it automatically compiles a chart with actual weights, moving average line, and a trend line. Also estimates your daily calorie deficits, etc. based on !!! SCIENCE !!!

Gary Taubes --- "Why We Get Fat" and "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes. CyberCowboy Approved.

Lose It --- App that lets you track your calories, budget food, etc. DAB and Need-A-Vette Approved.

Will 03-03-2013 2:37pm

Vette Barn Fat Camp Success Stories:


Originally Posted by Will (Post 906519)


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 898581)
Really watching my calories and using the myfitnesspal app on my smartphone. I started out at 215 pounds. As of yesterday I weighed in at 176 lbs . . . . If I tighten my stomach muscles I can see the beginnings of a six pack!


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 898586)
291 to . . . 245


Originally Posted by sanchez (Post 898680)
Went from 230 to 189. I still eat like shit all the time and drink like a pig but I run/swim/bike/row everyday. Exercise has helped immensely with stress.


Originally Posted by OddBall (Post 898699)
Down in the 180's myself


Originally Posted by Woody (Post 903255)
I weighed 315 . . . in February. I started walking every night . . . in March up until November . . . I was down to 260 at that time. I . . . picked up about 10lbs over the holidays . . . my goal is to get to down 220 by Christmas.


Originally Posted by Sea Six (Post 905500)
216 . . . . Down from 225


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 916660)
I'm down to 195 !!:hurray: 5 more pounds to my 1st goal. My ultimate is 185.


Originally Posted by Broken Wind (Post 927236)
I'm at 210 lbs, down 15 lbs from the beginning. Onward and downward!


Originally Posted by Punk Boy (Post 931601)
down 45 lbs in about 8 months.... started with p90x then insanity now a lot of running....don't eat out hardly at all and cut portions and snacks


Originally Posted by vetteman9368 (Post 947383)
I'm down almost 20 lbs and 10" combined. I also feel great and have plenty of energy

sanchez 03-03-2013 2:40pm

Great thread! I'm traveling or work this week so I need to stay motivated to keep working out and not eating shitty food.

Broken Wind 03-03-2013 3:10pm

I may as well fess up.

At age 56, I finally find myself in a position that I have to take active measures to keep myself leaner than my hedonistic self wants to be.

For the majority of my adult life, I was about 160 dripping wet, and trying everything in sight to gain bulk and weight. I retired from the .mil 7 years ago and went to shit. I am currently sporting 223 lbs and my goal is 175. I bought a hybrid bike in early Jan and have been thrashing myself with it as weather has allowed thus far this year. In fact, I just returned from a 13 mile ride that featured 20 mph headwinds. I'm a bit toasted at the moment.

I'm watching what I eat, counting calories for the first time in my life. I will achieve my weight goal, because I want to.

Will 03-03-2013 3:21pm


Originally Posted by Broken Wind (Post 899695)
My goal is 175. I bought a hybrid bike in early Jan and have been thrashing myself with it as weather has allowed thus far this year. In fact, I just returned from a 13 mile ride that featured 20 mph headwinds . . . watching what I eat, counting calories for the first time in my life. I will achieve my weight goal, because I want to.

Congrats. Just keep on trucking.


DAB 03-03-2013 3:21pm

5 days in the ICU with a weak heart tends to get your attention focused on what is important in life.

i'm not going to brag or preach. my doctor advised to avoid sodium and lose weight. 1 lb a week is 50 lbs in a year.

we have dumped prepared foods, way too high in sodium and cals. cooking more from scratch, cutting out junk foods (no more bags of M&Ms and root beers for a snack), smaller portions, and light to moderate exercising has worked for me.

used to wear 44 waist jeans, and they were tight. now i'm in 42s, and they fall down without a belt.

no one can make you do what you don't want to do, it has to come from within. and i'm not on a diet, i've changed my lifestyle.


Will 03-03-2013 3:28pm

This is the Protein Powder I use:
It's not advertised as low carb, but it actually is. It also mixes well with just a spoon as long as you mix it in something other than water. I mix it with 8 ounces of dark chocolate almond milk, which will account for about 1/2 of my daily carbs.

Best powder I've tried yet, going to stick with it. Right now I'm using cookies & cream, next tub I'm going to go with chocolate because my grocer doesn't carry chocolate almond milk in sugar free. Going to switch to the sugar free Vanilla almond milk to reduce carbs further. Will also reduce calories enough to allow me to add a second scoop of protein.

VetteBoy1979 03-03-2013 5:54pm

F*ck it, I'll jump in. Doc says I need to lose 50lbs. Will start Monday. I should go by 2 ribeyes for tonight. :slap::dance:

Will 03-03-2013 7:28pm

So I guess I should share too.

Current weight - 222 lbs.

The pic in my profile is of me at 215 lbs.

Most of the 7 lbs. difference is showing up in my face and belly right now.

I've always been built like a linebacker, but usually a linebacker who has been retired a few years and has put on a pot belly.

I have a HUGE consistency problem. I'll workout and eat like a fanatic for 6 months, then fall off the wagon for 1-2 years and not workout and not watch what I eat at all.

Fell off the wagon early in 2012. Started working out again in December, haven't really lost any weight though because I learned how to bake in December as well.

I've never been "cut" in my life. I want to try. I guesstimate I'll need to get under 200 lbs. to even show some small signs of being toned. So on TxAg's advice I signed up for MyFitnessPal.

I have my daily goal set at 1500 calories, and my macronutrient split at 15% carbs, 25% protein, 60% fat. As I get into the swing of things and get over the initial 2-4 weeks junky-getting-clean phase, I'll up the protein and lower the fat.

15% carbs is putting me at 60g, which is moderately low-carb. Most of that is not sugar though, looks like I'll come in at around 10-12g of sugar a day based on some regular consumption items. I've tried ketosis-inducing low carb, like 20g or less, but never moderate plus calorie restriction. We'll see how this goes. According to the generic weight vs. maintenaince vs. caloried deficit math, I should drop from 222 lbs as of this morning to weighing in at 217 lbs. in 3 weeks. So if I lose 5 lbs in 3 weeks, I'll stick with this plan. If not, back to the drawing board for some adjustment.

Currently workout ~2.5 days per week (2 days off between sessions). Once the weather warms and I can take Jasper outside for extended periods of time, we'll go for walks on the off days.

I figure getting a thread going may help keep me on track.


sanchez 03-04-2013 10:57pm

Last February when I was done with graduate school I weighed in a 230. Not bad for someone that is 6'8". Sadly, I'm 5'8" and fat as ****.

So I started exercising. Rowing, swimming, biking, and running.

It sucked at first but now I'm into a groove.

I'm down to 189 and still have a way to go. But I didn't get fat all at once so I won't lose the weight all at once.

I ran 7.5 miles along hermosa and redondo beach tonight as felt great. A year ago, I had chest pain running for 5 minutes.

MrPeabody 03-04-2013 11:04pm


Originally Posted by sanchez (Post 901010)
Last February when I was done with graduate school I weighed in a 230. Not bad for someone that is 6'8". Sadly, I'm 5'8" and fat as ****.

So I started exercising. Rowing, swimming, biking, and running.

It sucked at first but now I'm into a groove.

I'm down to 189 and still have a way to go. But I didn't get fat all at once so I won't lose the weight all at once.

I ran 7.5 miles along hermosa and redondo beach tonight as felt great. A year ago, I had chest pain running for 5 minutes.

Good post. Now when you are found laying dead on the beach we'll know what happened.:seasix:

Will 03-06-2013 1:16pm

Down from 222lbs. to 217.6 lbs as of this AM.

Hooray Water Weight!!!

Haven't totally eliminated carbs, but I am maximizing fiber and keeping sugar under 20g a day typically. Except for yesterday. My wife brought me a big fat double chocolate cookie from the hospital. Realized that while putting me over my sugar goal, it actually would not put my over my calorie goal for the day. So I ate it. Like a starved beast. Woke up weighing 1.4 lbs less than the previous morning anyway. :dance:

I'm the kind of person who will go nuts if I'm hungry in the evening, but has no trouble going hungry in the AM, so I'm experimenting with skipping breakfast and just having lunch, dinner, and a snack between the two. So far it's working out great and making is really easy to stay on track. I can make dinner that takes up half my daily calorie allowance and not get hungry afterwards before bed.

FYI Bacon & Eggs really is incredible diet food. Pam cooking spray, 2 Large Eggs, 3 strips of bacon, a mere 275 calories. Plenty of room left for snack and dinner.

As for snacks, these are awesome:
Buying them in the snack size tubes is slightly more expensive, but worth the extra cost to me for super simple portion control. And they're awesome. Better than BBQ potato chips.

260 calories, a mere 8g carbs, only 3g of that sugar, and lots of healthy fat. :cert:

Yamma 03-06-2013 1:19pm

I gained about 7 lbs. since last November - time to shed some weight for this spring and summer. I've been big into craft beers lately and blame that mostly for the gain. I'm definitely cutting back on those and making a serious effort to cut out other unnecessary carbs as well.

Excited about the time change on Saturday so I can attempt 'jogging' again after I get home from work.

Will 03-06-2013 1:24pm

I'm stickying this thread. Seems there are more than a few of us who aren't naturally blessed bottomless pits who can eat everything in sight with no consequences.


DAB 03-06-2013 2:49pm

1/4 cup Redenbackers popcorn (stuff in a jar, not the microwave stuff), 1 Tbsp cooking oil, large pan with lid over med heat on stove top. pop until done.

spray with butter spray, sprinkle with Chipolte seasonings.

low cal, no salt, tasty, filling. makes a great snack if you are on a low sodium plan. if you can do salt, knock yourself out. my doc says :nono:

Yamma 03-06-2013 3:49pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 902192)
1/4 cup Redenbackers popcorn (stuff in a jar, not the microwave stuff), 1 Tbsp cooking oil, large pan with lid over med heat on stove top. pop until done.

spray with butter spray, sprinkle with Chipolte seasonings.

low cal, no salt, tasty, filling. makes a great snack if you are on a low sodium plan. if you can do salt, knock yourself out. my doc says :nono:

Heck yeah. I found this 'recipe' online about a year ago, and now I never buy microwaved popcorn anymore. This is way better for you, and you can season how you want it. :seasix:

I will say though - I didn't measure the first time I made it.....and I may have had a few beers. There was popcorn all over the damn kitchen. :rofl:

Grey Ghost 03-06-2013 4:27pm

My cousin swears by ACV with the mother. It is very pungent. He mixes it with a glass of water. Wal-Mart even carries it in the store. But, you have to sure to choose 'with the mother'. He stopped eating bread of any type and focused on WHAT he was eating. With little to no exercise. He dropped 100lbs.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother

Kerrmudgeon 03-06-2013 6:47pm

I went from 338 a few years ago to 242 last summer, then I got injured and couldn't do much exercise, then winter hibernation came and I gained back 20 lbs!:cry: Funny how your appetite doesn't slow down as you do. :sneaks:

Started again today, boneless pork loin chop and a big salad for dinner. My goal is 225, which was my football/hockey weight in high school. :thumbs:

Good luck to everybody. You can do it! :yesnod:

Broken Wind 03-07-2013 5:22am

My first real test happened this week when I was on business travel. I've never really concerned myself with what I was eating when dining with colleagues. I think I did pretty well, choosing food that wasn't loaded with calories and eating only what I thought were reasonable portions regardless of what was on the plate.

I'm using that app that TXAG mentioned in the other thread and it's really making me aware of what I'm eating. So far, I've been just at or under my daily calorie goal. I don't weigh myself every day, so I don't know where I stand yet. I'll get to that this weekend.

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