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slewfoot 03-12-2024 9:08pm

Establishing "The 4th Reich."

Donald Trump Jr. suggests MAGA is ‘the new Republican Party’

Donald Trump Jr. claimed his father's "Make America Great Again" movement and campaign is the new identity of the Republican Party.

Trump Jr. appeared on The Balance Saturday following Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel stepping down from her position. Michael Whatley, the former chairman of the North Carolina GOP, replaced McDaniel. Whatley is joined by Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, as co-chairperson, replacing former RNC co-leader Drew McKissick

"I think the RNC is gonna be a little bit more of that old-school establishment. That Republican Party frankly no longer exists outside of the D.C. Beltway. But it takes a little while to make that transition," Trump said.

“People have to understand that America First, the MAGA movement is the new Republican Party. That is conservatism today,"

There's no question that language echoes that Hitler used to describe his enemies, but there may have been some question about whether Trump knew he was using the same words Hitler used to justify his murderous and genocidal rule of Nazi Germany.

Now, after backlash that his words echoed Hitler's, however, there is no doubt.

"They said Hitler said that," Trump said Tuesday after he again told the crowd in Iowa that immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of America.

After insisting Hitler used the words "in a much different way," Trump went on to make the "blood" reference again. "It's true. They're destroying the blood of the country, they're destroying the fabric of our country, and we're going to have to get them out."

Former President Donald Trump’s jaw-dropping praise for Nazi leader Adolph Hitler was revealed in new reporting via former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly to CNN.

Trump has been taking flak from media figures and others for months over his use of language that these critics link to that of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi and fascist figures — particularly his use of the terms “vermin” and “poisoning the blood of our country.”

According to Kelly, Trump started by saying Hitler “did some good things” and went on from there:

“He said, ‘Well, but Hitler did some good things.’ I said, ‘Well, what?’ And he said, ‘Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.’ But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world. And I said, ‘Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing,’” Kelly recounted. “I mean, Mussolini was a great guy in comparison.”

“It’s pretty hard to believe he missed the Holocaust, though, and pretty hard to understand how he missed the 400,000 American GIs that were killed in the European theater,” Kelly told me. “But I think it’s more, again, the tough guy thing.”

Trump’s admiration for Hitler went further than the German leader’s economic policies, according to Kelly. Trump also expressed admiration for Hitler’s hold on senior Nazi officers. Trump lamented that Hitler, as Kelly recounted, maintained his senior staff’s “loyalty,” while Trump himself often did not.

“He would ask about the loyalty issues and about how, when I pointed out to him the German generals as a group were not loyal to him, and in fact tried to assassinate him a few times, and he didn’t know that,” Kelly recalled. “He truly believed, when he brought us generals in, that we would be loyal — that we would do anything he wanted us to do,” Kelly told me.

KenHorse 03-13-2024 8:51am

Good G-d, stop with the Nazi bullshit analogies already...

Aside from them being an absolute LIE with no basis in ANY fact, if you need to make such comparisons, it is Joe's Dementia and his Hate America Party who actually DO what your bullshit claims Trump does. There is tons and tons of PROOF of this whereas all your sources provide are supposition and some DNC wet dream fantasy, not to mention straight up projection

Jesus H..............

DJ_Critterus 03-13-2024 9:38am

You are so in lock-step with the MSM and DNC and it's ****ing pathetic. I never took you for being anything close to credible on the other site, nor do I give you the benefit of even the slightest doubt over here. You have no original or critical thinking skills and simply parrot what the your DNC high priests tell you to say.

Honestly, it's ****ing pathetic and you need to grow up.

Care to try finding faults with Joesama Bin Hiden? It's easy enough, but we all know you won't even reach for the low hanging fruit.

Louie Detroit 03-13-2024 9:48am

The fear of Trump is palpable here.

Aerovette 03-13-2024 10:08am

An absolute brain dead, moron with the inability to tie their own shoes, would be the only ones thinking his words mean the same as Hitlers.

One GLARING difference is that the Jews were not invading Germany.

Aerovette 03-13-2024 10:10am

Maybe the OP should use his own words and tell us what the article means. :Jeff '79:
Cutting a pasting the "Hit piece d'Jour" is easy. Explaining it most likely is not.

DJ_Critterus 03-13-2024 10:20am


Originally Posted by Aerovette (Post 2231640)
Maybe the OP should use his own words and tell us what the article means. :Jeff '79:
Cutting a pasting the "Hit piece d'Jour" is easy. Explaining it most likely is not.

RIM used to do the cut, paste, and run tactic, too. What a ****ing *****.

Yadkin 03-13-2024 10:51am

One more reason to put Slowfoot on ignore. What a ****ing *****.

Vandelay Industries 03-13-2024 1:07pm

Not wasting my time reading that bullshit.

roadpilot 03-13-2024 2:13pm

I think the OP is right, sort of. It is not Pres. Trump who is moving closer
to Nazie rhetoric but the Democratic Party. What ever they claim Pres.
Trump is doing the Democrats have already done it.

Aerovette 03-13-2024 2:21pm


Originally Posted by slewfoot (Post 2231492)

Former President Donald Trump’s jaw-dropping praise for Nazi leader Adolph Hitler

Trump’s admiration for Hitler


Torqaholic 03-13-2024 2:35pm

Ever wonder why only democrats seem to know exactly what Hitler said in a speech? It's because they've studied him as a method to steal away our freedoms and exercise total control over the people.

The censorship, propaganda, and racism are all red flags. Get a clue and wake up before it's too late to save yourself from the defenders of truth and liberty.

Louie Detroit 03-13-2024 2:41pm

Hitler would most likely have had a solution to the Liberal Question.

KenHorse 03-13-2024 3:21pm


Originally Posted by Louie Detroit (Post 2231819)
Hitler would most likely have had a solution to the Liberal Question.

You do realize saying that makes you a Hitler lover and Nazi, right?

Aerovette 03-13-2024 3:35pm

I've heard more than once, that a vast amount of medical knowledge was gained from Nazi atrocities. That, in no way, is an endorsement, but it is a fact. Hitler was an effective leader. As was Khadafi and Castro. Methods be damned, desired results were achieved.

Louie Detroit 03-13-2024 4:16pm


Originally Posted by KenHorse (Post 2231847)
You do realize saying that makes you a Hitler lover and Nazi, right?

Actually no, it doesn’t. I think Hitler was a ****ing maniac combined with being an effective leader. I don’t agree with what he did to Jews, Gypsies, Boy Scouts and JW’s, but in the case of communists, homosexuals and criminals he had it right. Liberals fit in perfectly with the second group of people I just mentioned.

Bill 03-13-2024 6:27pm

KenHorse 03-13-2024 6:51pm


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 2231929)

There are a lot of ****ing morons in this country. And every damned one probably votes Commucrat

KenHorse 03-13-2024 6:52pm


Originally Posted by Louie Detroit (Post 2231877)
Actually no, it doesn’t. I think Hitler was a ****ing maniac combined with being an effective leader. I don’t agree with what he did to Jews, Gypsies, Boy Scouts and JW’s, but in the case of communists, homosexuals and criminals he had it right. Liberals fit in perfectly with the second group of people I just mentioned.

Where's that sarcasm meter graphic when I need it?

Louie Detroit 03-13-2024 7:30pm


Originally Posted by KenHorse (Post 2231936)
Where's that sarcasm meter graphic when I need it?

Hehe, I thought you were probably kidding but had to cover my bases.

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