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Iron Chef 09-23-2017 1:36pm

So, Trump...and Pro Sports
I've stayed away from political crap for awhile, but this really made my blood boil:


At a rally for Alabama Republican Sen. Luther Strange, Trump said team owners should fire players for taking a knee during the national anthem. He added that if fans would "leave the stadium" when players kneel in protest during the national anthem, "I guarantee, things will stop."

So what happens? This:


NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell slammed Trump in a statement Saturday morning, calling the President "divisive" for remarks he made at a rally in Alabama Friday night, while one of the most famous athletes in the world, LeBron James, called Trump a "bum" for a Saturday morning tweet aimed at the Golden State Warriors' Stephen Curry.

Goodell said Trump's criticism of NFL players kneeling in protest during the National Anthem show a "lack of respect" for the league and its players.
"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture," Goodell said in the statement. "There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month. Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities." long as we're talking about "lack of respect", you're saying that the league and your players are at their best when they disrespect this country.

What an entire group of ungrateful idiotic people. :spdchk: :spdchk:

DAB 09-23-2017 1:53pm

if you recall, years ago Chicago QB Jim MacMahon and Commish Rozelle were :issues:

they did not see eye to eye.

so MacMahon took to writing messages on his head band, wristband, towel, including remarks about Rozelle. this did not go well with HQ. next year, new rule: no messages on your stuffs. rule stands to this day. the NFL didn't want its players dis-respecting the commish.


the new idiot commish, who admits he's not a football guy, is quite ok taking gov't money for the pre-game patriotic displays, and is quite ok letting players dis-respect our flag and nat'l anthem.

hey Roger: we don't need the NFL, we can find things to do on a sunday. we've done it before when you had strikes, and we can do it again. hell, you couldn't even draw a crowd thursday.

so keep it up.

i'm betting far more people voted for Trump than attend your games every year.


99 pewtercoupe 09-23-2017 2:01pm

The NFL is a huge racket. I wont watch it.
You have a bunch of billionaire owners always crying that they need the cities to pay for a new stadium every decade so they can stay in the top tier of the league. Millionaire players acting like jackasses and the poor dumb fans who shell out big bucks to see a game. I know a lot of the money comes from TV rights but where does that come from...what the networks charge advertisers who in turn build those marketing costs into the price of the product.

VatorMan 09-23-2017 2:56pm

Goodell has been looking for something like this to appease the players after all of his **** ups.

Fasglas 09-23-2017 3:05pm

I'm pretty much done with "pro" sports, except NYY, but the first time one of THEM shows disrespect, they'll be gone, too.

Who'll be the first driver to do the knee thing at a Nascar event? I'm thinking we'll be finding out soon.

DAB 09-23-2017 3:14pm


Originally Posted by Fasglas (Post 1587433)
I'm pretty much done with "pro" sports, except NYY, but the first time one of THEM shows disrespect, they'll be gone, too.

Who'll be the first driver to do the knee thing at a Nascar event? I'm thinking we'll be finding out soon.

one of the 3 fans will take offense. the other 2 will be too drunk to notice.

they used to show the full stands. not anymore. tight shots of the track now.

Wathen1955 09-23-2017 7:10pm

I stated a few weeks back that I'm done with the NFL for several reasons, and one of them is the political BS that it has become. It would be great to see news of fans leaving the stadiums.

Bill 09-23-2017 7:23pm

Goodell: "I think I'll double down on stupid."

Dan Dlabay 09-23-2017 7:38pm

As far as I am concerned the NFL can go to hell.

DAB 09-23-2017 8:37pm

Hey Roger: no one has to buy your product.

JRD77VET 09-23-2017 8:42pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1587506)
Hey Roger: no one has to buy your product.

I was done with the National Felon League when the eagles signed vick back in 2009.

It was extremely easy to find better things to do with my time. :yesnod:

Bill 09-23-2017 8:53pm

The fantastic thing about Trump is he's making the left double down on its America hating identity politics. I'm really hoping that most football fans are the kind that still believe in Mom, apple pie, and the American way, regardless of political affiliation.

Will 09-23-2017 9:10pm

"Lack of respect"

Not only do you employ idiots who kneel during the anthem, but also literal child abusers and wife beaters.

College Football >>>>> NFL

boracayjohnny 09-23-2017 10:35pm


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 1587510)
The fantastic thing about Trump is he's making the left double down on its America hating identity politics. I'm really hoping that most football fans are the kind that still believe in Mom, apple pie, and the American way, regardless of political affiliation.

My first thought. And he did it on Saturday for max impact on Sunday. :Jeff '79:

I'd like to think Trump is a great chess player. That mofo is three moves ahead of plenty of folks at all times.

Bill 09-23-2017 10:59pm

StaticCling 09-24-2017 9:56am

Players took a knee during the National Anthem but stood for God Save the Queen for the London game today. It's on Drudge.

Now THAT really pisses me off.

What in the actual **** are you protesting exactly?

DAB 09-24-2017 10:13am


Originally Posted by chinaski (Post 1587548)
Players took a knee during the National Anthem but stood for God Save the Queen for the London game today. It's on Drudge.

Now THAT really pisses me off.

What in the actual **** are you protesting exactly?

got me.

DAB 09-24-2017 10:36am

this one seems confused. he is kneeling in London, but has his hand over his heart.

what's it going to be son? you have to decide. no point sitting on the fence.

Bill 09-24-2017 10:50am


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1587554)
this one seems confused. he is kneeling in London, but has his hand over his heart.

what's it going to be son? you have to decide. no point sitting on the fence.

America hating douchebags self identifying. Screw them.

John Wiz 09-24-2017 11:09am

Not that it will matter, but based on this nonsense - I decided to write Roger Goodell and the NFLPA an email this morning. I don't expect a response - but it did feel good to put my thoughts down as a former consumer of their product.

boracayjohnny 09-24-2017 11:15am


Originally Posted by chinaski (Post 1587548)
Players took a knee during the National Anthem but stood for God Save the Queen for the London game today. It's on Drudge.

Now THAT really pisses me off.

What in the actual **** are you protesting exactly?


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1587552)
got me.

They are so rich, some Americans have to dream up shit and ways to bitch about.

Further, America, if history is to repeat itself, will not be defeated from outside. America will defeated from within. "United we stand, divided we fall."

DAB 09-24-2017 11:22am

oh, this is rich:

NFLPA asks New England Patriots to remedy turf issues at Gillette Stadium


"It's a reminder to all teams that they can't have players on [shoddy] fields," Atallah said.
but apparently, they are ok with shoddy players on that same field. just make sure the turf is sound. but they don't care about their players respecting the ground they stand on.

what a bunch of weasels.

Fasglas 09-24-2017 12:46pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1587563)
oh, this is rich:

NFLPA asks New England Patriots to remedy turf issues at Gillette Stadium

but apparently, they are ok with shoddy players on that same field. just make sure the turf is sound. but they don't care about their players respecting the ground they stand on.

what a bunch of weasels.

NFLPA field inspector found the field "borderline actionable." ? Are you shitting me?

DAB 09-24-2017 1:11pm


Originally Posted by Fasglas (Post 1587576)
NFLPA field inspector found the field "borderline actionable." ? Are you shitting me?

i just know what i read.

they're all hot and bothered about turf, but not about the actions of their own players and how they are pissing off fans.

Mrs. DAB is watching the Broncos and doing some counted cross stitch work, i'm in my office with the TV off. but i can hear bits in the background.

Will 09-24-2017 1:48pm

DAB 09-24-2017 1:53pm

again, Trump is right.

if the fans stood up and walked out, or didn't go in the first place, the NFL will get that message loud and clear.

but as long as the stands are full, and the ratings are steady, and no one boycotts the sponsors, nothing will change.

VITE1 09-24-2017 2:20pm

I spent over 30 years in international sales. I've had to do business with people all over the world. Many of whom I are religiously or politically diametrically opposed to my political values.

If I had "Protested" their beliefs and actions I would have lost my job and never been hired by anyone again.

You do not have freedom of speech on the job. What you do on yor own time off the job site is your business.

Goodell is an asshole and I will not watch NFL football until these punks stop this bullshit.

Fasglas 09-24-2017 2:43pm

After Trump remarks, will more NFL players 'take a knee'? | Fox News


In August, NFL legend Jim Brown said kneeling during the anthem was the wrong way to protest.

"I'm an American. I don't desecrate my flag and my national anthem," Brown said. "I'm not gonna do anything against the flag and national anthem."

Jeanine Pirro, host of “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on Fox News Channel, had some words for Goodell on her program Saturday night.

“Instead of taking sides against the national anthem, maybe you ought to think about your stockholders, your investors,” Pirro said.

The same liberals who want to protect the constitutional right of people like Colin Kaepernick to symbolically reject America by taking a knee were the ones quick to criticize Tim Tebow for bending a knee to pray and thank God on the field," Pirro added.

John Wiz 09-24-2017 2:50pm


Originally Posted by VITE1 (Post 1587589)
I spent over 30 years in international sales. I've had to do business with people all over the world. Many of whom I are religiously or politically diametrically opposed to my political values.

If I had "Protested" their beliefs and actions I would have lost my job and never been hired by anyone again.

You do not have freedom of speech on the job. What you do on yor own time off the job site is your business.

Goodell is an asshole and I will not watch NFL football until these punks stop this bullshit.

As my employer makes perfectly clear, if I make a statement that is in conflict with their position, I can be terminated.

Goodell isn't an asshole, he is a coward. They'll fine a player for wearing an unapproved uniform item, but disrespect the flag - eh, they're just expressing their freedom of speech. B.S.

Decisions have consequences, I'm not watching another NFL game. I understand the entertainers right to free speech, but their position, to me, is disrespectful to our country - so as a consumer, I choose to not buy their product. I'm sure my wife will find plenty for me to do on Sundays, as well as Monday and Thursday evening.

Cybercowboy 09-24-2017 3:13pm

Did I mention I'm done with the NFL? Welp, I am. Played golf today, and currently watching the Cubs and the FedEx Championship golf tournament. The NFL can suck my...

DAB 09-24-2017 3:17pm

I’m hauling water while I listen to sermons about Revelations. Awesome stuff.

09CTSV 09-24-2017 3:53pm

Every red blooded American needs to boycott these clowns. Maybe one or two weekend with the stands almost empty and ratings int he toilet will the jerks understand what being an American means.
I will never watch football again. If I see something sponsored by the NFL, screw them it won't be in my house period.
Maybe we should picket the field and not let the assholes in to play, it is our right you know.

04 commemorative 09-24-2017 4:07pm

Everyone needs to not pay taxes too but that will never happen. There are to many hero worshipers that need to watch these sports.
I agree with what you are saying and wish it would happen but it never will. I have always not liked football so for me it's easy....I will watch the Yankees but first time one of them takes a knee....that's it.....I know it will not hurt them but if those ass wipes have the right to do this then we have the right to not watch.
I do watch the USA womans soccer too and if they take a knee they will be dead to me too....even if they are hot :seasix:

Bill 09-24-2017 7:54pm


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587681)
Perhaps the DoD shouldn't have forced the players into a recruiting role. Perhaps our CIC could spend his time doing things that matter instead of inciting division. Perhaps, just perhaps, people will realize that blind patriotism...isn't.

I agree with you, in the respect that we should stop spending armed forces recruiting dollars on the NFL. I'm sure NASCAR will be glad to accept those advertising dollars. Military members shouldn't be used as props in places where they are not even wanted, and the NFL has demonstrated they don't want them there.

Heck, if I was in charge of that, I'd offer the NFL a deal....we'll still send out military members for patriotic displays, but we will no longer pay you for the privilege. If you want them, they have to be honored guests, not a profit center.

Wathen1955 09-24-2017 8:03pm

For those giving up professional football, you can always go to a High School football game, where I'm almost 100% certain that you won't see that crap on the field.

VatorMan 09-24-2017 8:45pm

Will you see this at HS football ? Yes, guaranteeed. You have to realize what today’s kids watch and value.

I’ll still watch games. Just like I watch movies made by hardcore liberals. I think Trump made a mistake making this a major issue. I don’t like it, but I know the rebellious youth will make an issue of it.

Cybercowboy 09-24-2017 9:12pm

Those that think Trump started this are of course wrong.

Those who think Trump made this worse are, of course, also wrong.

This is were we are now. The NFL are full-blown SJW's, Now Fully Liberal. This is where we are. The NBA has also arrived here. This is what the left does. They take over respected American institutions. They kill them. They wear the carcass as a skin suit. They demand you respect them.

I cancelled my Sunday Ticket before Trump's latest speech. It was already apparent where this was going. Don't be stupid folks.

Bill 09-24-2017 9:17pm


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 1587711)
:iagree: to some extent.

Is it an issue that he could address and win with some Reaganesque verbal ownage and persuasion? Yes.

Did he even come close with the crap he spews (especially on Twitter)? Nope.

Will the Trump fanboys see this? 99.9% chance not.

I'll now wait to be called a "NeverTrumper" and to STFU. :funny:

Trump doesn't do subtle, and what Trump said, and doubled down on, is the same kind of thing real people say everyday. This is the strategy that won him the office, and, as we say, "dance with the one that brung ya."

Oh, and STFU, neverTrumper! :D

Cybercowboy 09-24-2017 9:22pm


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587719)
Really? REALLY? :confused5:

:lol: Yes really Waco. My goodness, you didn't see this coming from a million miles away? It's Trump's fault? For crying out loud, just damn. This has been brewing since Obama had a son. Since the NFL has been terrified of standing up to a single person kneeling. Millions of Americans noticed this. Trump simply voiced a bit of what we're all thinking, that's all.

Waco, show up to work Monday morning wearing a political shirt. Refuse to take it off. Do it again after you get wrote up or whatever they do where you work. See what happens. Waco, confront one of your customers or clients that you know doesn't tow the line politically. Make him very uncomfortable. Tell him you'll give him no service at all. See what happens.

Cybercowboy 09-24-2017 9:33pm


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587721)
No. The president getting involved has absolutely made it worse especially due to his idiotic statements on the matter.

This isn't even remotely the same situation. The league has already come out in support of these protests. Further, the fact that they have a platform at all is due to the DoD paying to have them stand out during the anthem to boost recruiting.

There's literally no parallel. Keep trying though.

Waco, I know the league has came out in support of the protests. Goodall is ruining the NFL. Normal adults who have been NFL fans realize this. It's not rocket man science. Trump's words on it resonate with normal NFL fans like crazy. Indoctrinated millennials and SJWs, not so much. This is why he'll win in 2020 too BTW.

There's literally no parallel to the utter stupidity of the current direction the NFL has taken, I will agree with that. The DoD has nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to do with this. I'd use other terms for the brainwashing you may be undergoing, but dammit man wake up and realize that it's not normal. This is not normal.

By all means though, the Democrats should double down on this. Please, I beg them. Double. Down. Also shitbird Republicans like McCain, he can too.

Cybercowboy 09-24-2017 9:59pm


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 1587725)
Irony here is that's what the Obama fanboys would say about "their guy" when he screwed up and made things worse.

As I've said before, the sides have been switched and each one is taking up the other's failures.

Fanboyism is a bad idea no matter what side one is on in an argument.

Only in your imagination. I'm just sitting back watching the destruction of an American institution. Yet another one actually. You are making excuses for why the current politician de jeur made it worse when it was fully metastasized already. Waco, this is for you too. The DoD has nothing to do with this. You can dream it up. You can say "The DoD made the players be out there during the anthem." LOL you don't realize that nothing of that sort matters. The fact is that the players are doing this, and this is going to lead to a backlash of epic, and I do mean epic, proportions.

Cybercowboy 09-24-2017 10:05pm


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587733)
Sure it is, sure it is. Some players kneeling will be the end of our country and the end of the NFL.

You heard it here first, folks, Cyber is the new Nostradamus. :rofl:

Just watch and learn. The end? Possible. A huge backlash? Already in play.

04 commemorative 09-24-2017 10:08pm

Bring back the draft and many of these pieces of crap will be serving our country. And oh they'll be on their knees crying or praying instead of being paid way to much $ to play a game. :USA:

Aerovette 09-24-2017 11:39pm

If Trump's words made the situation worse it is simply their guilt shining through. The owners were called out and since they write the checks, their wind up toys are going to follow their lead.

Kudos to the ONE Pittsburgh Steeler with balls.

Broken Wind 09-25-2017 6:43am

I kinda like having a president who says what I’m thinking. I could scream it at the top of my lungs and all I’d get is a sore throat. Trump didn’t create this shit, nor is he making it worse. He’s merely reacting to the situation and speaking out for the millions who don’t have a platform to do so.

VITE1 09-25-2017 6:45am


Originally Posted by aerovette (Post 1587754)
If Trump's words made the situation worse it is simply their guilt shining through. The owners were called out and since they write the checks, their wind up toys are going to follow their lead.

Kudos to the ONE Pittsburgh Steeler with balls.

Not their guilt shining through Their ignorance and stupidity.

erickpl 09-25-2017 7:13am

As US citizens, they have the right to protest in a peaceful manner free of repercussion from the government.

However, with that right and those actions, they are also subject to any consequences from the public.

If they REALLY wanted to make a difference, they could be using their fame, stature, and fortune and work in those communities from which they receive so much and work to make a difference and effect change.

Stangkiller 09-25-2017 7:18am

Remind me again what injustices and oppressions these overpaid entertainers are protesting?

Jeff '79 09-25-2017 7:19am


Originally Posted by Stangkiller (Post 1587772)
Remind me again what injustices and oppressions she’s overpaid entertainers are protesting?

I think that it's about the black shootings by policemen.

Hoog 09-25-2017 7:32am


Originally Posted by Stangkiller (Post 1587772)
Remind me again what injustices and oppressions these overpaid entertainers are protesting?

Exactly. The message of Kapernick's protest has been lost in a dumpster fire of media inflamed bullshit....and now the CiC has nothing better to do than throw some gas in the dumpster. The guys that just want to show up and do their job are now getting drawn into a completely contrived circus. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Everyone's talking....nobody's listening.

Mike Mercury 09-25-2017 7:39am

The NFL produces a product, for sale to the public.

Recently (but long before Trump said anything) the NFL added a new ingredient to their product. I don't like it, and will step aside as a consumer of their product until they remove this irritating ingredient.

04 commemorative 09-25-2017 7:41am


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587739)
Sure thing.

Yep, let's pretend there's no skill involved. They're paid because they make the owners money.

Use your skill to defend our country then...:USA:...when you boil down all the bull's still a game.....skill involved,yes....never said there wasn't.

Z06David 09-25-2017 8:39am

The NFL is so hypocritical. They say this is about free speech, but they didn't allow the Cowboys to honor the fallen Dallas police, they didn't allow teams to honor 9/11 by wearing cleats honoring that day, they didn't allow a player to honor his mother who died from breast cancer.

This will really hurt the NFL, and they deserve it. Keep politics out of sports!!!!

6spdC6 09-25-2017 8:45am


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587681)
Perhaps the DoD shouldn't have forced the players into a recruiting role. Perhaps our CIC could spend his time doing things that matter instead of inciting division. Perhaps, just perhaps, people will realize that blind patriotism...isn't.

That bolded above pertains to obunghole, he was a master at that. Trump is just trying to undo his bullshit. Racial strife and cop killings is a big part of obungholes legacy and things are only going to get worse thanks to him and sasquatch.

VITE1 09-25-2017 8:49am


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587681)
Perhaps the DoD shouldn't have forced the players into a recruiting role. Perhaps our CIC could spend his time doing things that matter instead of inciting division. Perhaps, just perhaps, people will realize that blind patriotism...isn't.

Did you say the same during the 8 years of Obama inciting division? From his actions and comments about the Boston professor until today he still incites division.

It's been the lefts mantra since 1965. Separate, balkinize and then rule .

erickpl 09-25-2017 8:55am


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587776)
Something many of them are already doing.

That's good to hear. I don't live in an NFL city and don't follow it very much. Living in Alabama, the Crimson Tide is the most professional level have. LOL

I hope the others take note of those taking actions to make a difference and learn from that example. Do you have a reference for what those you mention are doing? I'd be interested in learning more.

Mike Mercury 09-25-2017 9:20am

are you noticing the news these past couple of days?

They are making it appear there were no problems in the NFL/fanbase until Trump spoke out.

Trump reacted to something that was already happening; some players took knees long before Trump spoke.

DAB 09-25-2017 9:29am

the NFL and that idiot Goodell have had over a year to figure out what to do about this. this wasn't invented by Trump.

Cybercowboy 09-25-2017 9:35am

There are dozens of videos today of people doing this.

In case anyone doubts me:

I'll post some of Chiefs fans doing the same if anyone wants me to.

Iron Chef 09-25-2017 9:40am


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 1587740)
Are the players the ones kneeling during the anthem? Yep.
Are they causing a problem where there shouldn't be one? Yep.
Is Trump making things worse by spewing his butt-hurt, ego filled crap on Twitter? Yep.

Agree on all counts. Overall, I like the idea of having a more plain-speaking President, but there are ways to go about things. At some point, you have to learn to be a bit more tactful. You can't call your next door neighbor a cocksucker and then expect him to trim his bushes off your property. It wouldn't hurt Trump to put a light dusting of powdered sugar in his words now and again.


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1587776)
The free market determines their pay. They aren't overpaid.

At one time, forklift drivers for GM were making over $100,000 per year. Totally illogical. Just because we're in a free market economy doesn't mean that members of a given occupation are paid commensurate to what they're worth, or what their true value to society is. As long as teachers, police officers and fire fighters often have to take second jobs to make ends meet, the argument that professional athletes are overpaid is a very valid one.


Originally Posted by Stangkiller (Post 1587772)
Remind me again what injustices and oppressions these overpaid entertainers are protesting?

None. There hasn't been a single piece of legislation in the past 50 years that has done anything but work to the advantage of minorities.

We, the buying public, have created this monster. Each time an owner submits to paying an athlete an ever more exhorbitant amount of money and then passes the costs along to the fan base, each time a shiny new stadium is built because the owners are crying that they have to "modernize", put in more luxury boxes or a retractable roof (it's a ballgame for chrissakes), each time a player is convicted of a serious crime and we go on buying his jerseys and posters and cheering him on, WE are all complicit in this behavior. There is only one way this will stop, and it has nothing to do with the players kneeling or the President screeching. It will only happen when the fans say "enough" and back it up with their actions. Unfortunately, it will take a paradigm shift in the attitudes and resolve of society to make this happen.

All that said, I will never pay to attend or watch another Pro Football game again. My father fought in WWII. This behavior is, in my opinion, an insult to his memory, his legacy and all he fought for. Football players and Roger Goodell and all the accompanying sycophants be damned.

Mike Mercury 09-25-2017 9:46am


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1587800)
this wasn't invented by Trump.


Originally Posted by Iron Chef (Post 1587802)
There hasn't been a single piece of legislation in the past 50 years that has done anything but work to the advantage of minorities.

DAB 09-25-2017 9:55am

remember, rules are very important....except when they are not.

Will 09-25-2017 10:06am

Week 3 Sunday Night Football ratings down 9% from Week 2, down 11% from Week 3 2016.

Stangkiller 09-25-2017 10:48am


Originally Posted by Will (Post 1587821)
Week 3 Sunday Night Football ratings down 9% from Week 2, down 11% from Week 3 2016.

One of the biggest advantages to the Roman Gladiators or the current NFL is it’s ability to unify the country to support “their” teams, yes this drives friendly competition but it’s there to help heal the community after such a divisive election cycle. Politicizing the NFL just takes away that benefit and causes at least me to move on to other distractions. No surprise the NFL is pissing off their fam base. Let’s not forget ESPN and NBC tying political issues to the game as well, anybody remember Bob Costas anti gun rants? I still remember and I’m still pissed.

Iron Chef 09-25-2017 11:11am


Originally Posted by Stangkiller (Post 1587841)
One of the biggest advantages to the Roman Gladiators or the current NFL is it’s ability to unify the country to support “their” teams, yes this drives friendly competition but it’s there to help heal the community after such a divisive election cycle. Politicizing the NFL just takes away that benefit and causes at least me to move on to other distractions. No surprise the NFL is pissing off their fam base. Let’s not forget ESPN and NBC tying political issues to the game as well, anybody remember Bob Costas anti gun rants? I still remember and I’m still pissed.


Apparently, the NFL is forgetting that their fan base demographic are middle-aged white men. The only thing that is keeping this from completely backfiring is the fact that a good percentage of those middle-aged white men are as dumb as a box of rocks and are so one-dimensional that for them, football is nearly (or is) the single most important aspect of their lives.

Still...this does not bode well for the NFL. Kapernick is STILL unemployed. :rofl:

Cybercowboy 09-25-2017 11:36am

DAB 09-25-2017 12:31pm

a man more right than his neighbors constitutes a majority of one:

NFL national anthem flap sees Steelers coach Mike Tomlin rap Alejandro Villanueva | Fox News

sales of his jersey have gone thru the roof.

another take:

Pittsburgh Steelers' player Alejandro Villanueva is a hero among cowards | Fox News

Cybercowboy 09-25-2017 12:50pm


Originally Posted by TxAg (Post 1587866)
Did Obama put race relations back decades with his divisional politics and rhetoric? Yes.

Is Trump spewing crap on Twitter making things better? No.

Two wrongs aren't going to make the situation right.

Do people want to work to fix the problem or do they want revenge.

These days, I see more and more people just wanting a form of revenge on the "other guys" for feeling wronged.

Nah, the NFL decided to go political, that's all it is. Last year they wouldn't let the Cowboys wear a sticker on their helmets commemorating the five Dallas police officers murdered at a BLM event. Because it was "too political." They forced Tebow out of the league because of his kneeling. Because it was too "religious." They didn't let players wear patriotic cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11. Because that was too "divisive." So they are allowing this, because it's somehow not political and divisive and hugely disrespectful - somehow. They did this all by themselves. Trump calling them out on it is nothing more and nothing less than echoing what tens of millions of Americans were already thinking. The shitstorm that is going to hit the NFL will be something never seen before. Watch.

To make it even more stupid, CK only started kneeling last year in preseason because he was afraid he was going to be cut from the Niners. He would have taken a financial hit. So he figured if he started doing this, management would be scared to fire him lest it look like they did it for political reasons. That's it in a nutshell. Then he came up with the "muh police killing our people" thing as an excuse.

People may want to note that I cancelled NFL Sunday Ticket last month, long before Trump said anything. I saw what was coming and wanted to vote with my wallet. It has nothing to do with Trump, at all. If anything he's a bit late to the party.

Aerovette 09-25-2017 12:54pm

Comprehensive list of low life bastards...
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell

The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture. There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month. Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities.

Atlanta Falcons

Owner Arthur Blank

We are at our very best when we are working together, building unity and including everyone's voice in a constructive dialogue. Creating division or demonizing viewpoints that are different than our own accomplishes nothing positive and undermines our collective ability to achieve the ideals of our democracy.

Baltimore Ravens

Owner Steve Bisciotti

We recognize our players' influence. We respect their demonstration and support them 100 percent. All voices need to be heard. That's democracy in its highest form.

Buffalo Bills

Owners Terry and Kim Pegula

President Trump's remarks were divisive and disrespectful to the entire NFL community, but we tried to use them as an opportunity to further unify our team and our organization. Our players have the freedom to express themselves in a respectful and thoughtful manner and we all agreed that our sole message is to provide and to promote an environment that is focused on love and equality.

Chicago Bears

Chairman George McCaskey

What makes this the the greatest country in the world are the liberties it was founded upon and the freedom to express oneself in a respectful and peaceful manner. Through important dialogue with our players and team, this divisive political situation has unified our franchise for the present and the future.

Cleveland Browns

Owners Dee and Jimmy Haslam

We must not let misguided, uninformed and divisive comments from the president or anyone else deter us from our efforts to unify. Our stance in support of the liberties of peaceful, personal expression afforded to our players and all Americans will remain strong, and we will continue to encourage our players to respectfully use their earned platform to inspire positive change in our nation and throughout society.

Denver Broncos

Chairman and CEO Joe Ellis

Our players have shown a tremendous commitment to raising awareness for important societal issues by using their platform in a positive way ... As an organization, we could not be more proud, appreciative and grateful for our players. We'll continue to support them and work together to advocate for values of respect, diversity and inclusion.

Detroit Lions

Owner and chairwoman Martha Firestone Ford

Our game has long provided a powerful platform for dialogue and positive change in many communities throughout our nation. Thanks primarily to our players, the NFL also has been a unifying force in our country and impactful change has and hopefully will continue to be the result of peaceful expression, done so in order to highlight social injustices of all kind. Negative and disrespectful comments suggesting otherwise are contrary to the founding principles of our country, and we do not support those comments or opinions.

Green Bay Packers

President and CEO Mark Murphy

It's unfortunate that the president decided to use his immense platform to make divisive and offensive statements about our players and the NFL. We strongly believe that players are leaders in our communities and positive influences ... We believe it is important to support any of our players who choose to peacefully express themselves with the hope of change for good. As Americans, we are fortunate to be able to speak openly and freely.

Houston Texans

Founder, chairman and CEO Robert McNair

The comments made by the president were divisive and counterproductive to what our country needs right now. I hope the reaction from our players results in positive action for our league, our communities and our country as a whole to make a positive difference in our society,

Indianapolis Colts

Owner Jim Irsay

I am troubled by the president's recent comments about our league and our players. Sports in America have the unique ability to bring people from all walks of life and from different points of view together to work toward or root for a common goal, and the Indianapolis Colts are proud to be a part of that tradition in our home city and state.

Jacksonville Jaguars

Owner Shad Khan

It was a privilege to stand on the sidelines with the Jacksonville Jaguars today for the playing of the U.S. national anthem at Wembley Stadium. I met with our team captains prior to the game to express my support for them, all NFL players and the league following the divisive and contentious remarks made by President Trump, and was honored to be arm in arm with them, their teammates and our coaches during our anthem ... We have a lot of work to do, and we can do it, but the comments by the president make it harder. That's why it was important for us, and personally for me, to show the world that even if we may differ at times, we can and should be united in the effort to become better as people and a nation.

Kansas City Chiefs

Chairman and CEO Clark Hunt

I believe in honoring the American flag and supporting all of those whose sacrifices protect the many freedoms we have in this country, including the right to have differences of opinion. Sports have long been a unifying force -- especially in challenging times -- and hatred and division have no place in our game.

Los Angeles Chargers

Chairman Dean Spanos

I wholeheartedly agree with the commissioner's statement. The NFL and its players, more than anything, have been a force for good. What our country needs right now is a message of unity, civility and mutual respect.

Los Angeles Rams

Owner and Chairman Stan Kroenke

We believe in the tenets of the national anthem, which is a pillar of this country; just as freedom of speech is another pillar and a constitutional right. We will continue to support our players' freedom to peacefully express themselves and the meaningful efforts they make to bring about positive change in our country.

Miami Dolphins

Owner Stephen Ross

Our country needs unifying leadership right now, not more divisiveness. We need to seek to understand each other and have civil discourse instead of condemnation and sound bites. I know our players who kneeled for the anthem and these are smart young men of character who want to make our world a better place for everyone. They wanted to start a conversation and are making a difference in our community, including working with law enforcement to bring people together. We all can benefit from learning, listening and respecting each other.

Minnesota Vikings

Owners Zygi and Mark Wilf

As owners, it is our job to foster an environment that recognizes and appreciates diversity of thought and encourages using this platform in a constructive manner. Rather than make divisive statements, we believe in promoting thoughtful, inspiring conversation that unifies our communities. We are proud of our players, coaches and staff for the important role they play in our community, and we fully support their constitutional right to respectfully and peacefully express their beliefs.

New England Patriots

Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft

I am deeply disappointed by the tone of the comments made by the president on Friday. ... There is no greater unifier in this country than sports, and unfortunately, nothing more divisive than politics. I think our political leaders could learn a lot from the lessons of teamwork and the importance of working together toward a common goal. Our players are intelligent, thoughtful and care deeply about our community and I support their right to peacefully affect social change and raise awareness in a manner that they feel is most impactful.

New Orleans Saints

This statement was released jointly with the Pelicans, the city's NBA team.

Our organization takes great pride in equality and inclusion and find the comments by the President disappointing and inappropriate relative to our players on this issue. ... Our players and our organization serve the New Orleans community selflessly and do so without care of race, creed or sexual orientation and that makes us a better city and a better team. We believe strongly in honoring our flag and the national anthem and what it represents and we support our players. We all must strive to show that we are all Americans and continue to work towards equality for all.

New York Giants

Owners John Mara and Steve Tisch

Comments like we heard last night from the president are inappropriate, offensive and divisive. We are proud of our players, the vast majority of whom use their NFL platform to make a positive difference in our society.

New York Jets

Chairman and CEO Christopher Johnson

It was an honor and a privilege to stand arm-in-arm unified with our players during today's national anthem. We are very proud of our players and their strong commitment to work in our community to make a positive, constructive, and unifying impact.

Philadelphia Eagles

Owner, chairman and CEO Jeffrey Lurie

The best of us lend our compassion and determination to the aid of others. Every day I see the genuine dedication and hard work of our players. And I support them as they take their courage, character and commitment into our communities to make them better or to call attention to injustice. Having spoken with our players, I can attest to the great respect they have for the national anthem and all it represents. We at the Philadelphia Eagles firmly believe that in this difficult time of division and conflict, it is more important than ever for football to be a great unifier.

Pittsburgh Steelers

President Art Rooney

Our players have stayed unified and have respected the fact that, like our country, there are diverse opinions in our locker room. It is a difficult time in our country. I hope that eventually we will come together as a nation to respect the diverse opinions that exist and work together to make our communities better for all our citizens.

Tennessee Titans

Owner Amy Adams Strunk

I am proud to stand with our players and support them in their work on and off the football field. I completely agree with Commissioner Goodell that we are better off as a nation when we are unified and pulling together. ... Our players make public contributions day-in and day-out and when I hear anyone making disparaging remarks about them, I know it has to be the result of not knowing what they bring to our communities or what they have accomplished.

San Francisco 49ers

CEO Jed York

The callous and offensive comments made by the president are contradictory to what this great country stands for. Our players have exercised their rights as United States citizens in order to spark conversation and action to address social injustice. We will continue to support them in their peaceful pursuit of positive change in our country and around the world.

Seattle Seahawks

President Peter McLoughlin

We fully support our players' use of their freedom of speech and peaceful action to highlight the existing racial and other divides in our country. Our players completely respect the military and veterans of our country; however they believe these issues need to come to the forefront.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Co-Chairman Joel Glazer

The Buccaneers recognize every individual's constitutional right to freedom of speech, which is crucial to the American way of life that we cherish. We are equally committed to the principles of inclusivity and respect differing points of view that should be afforded to all Americans.

Washington Redskins

The Redskins issued the following unsigned statement:

Football has always served as the great unifier, bringing people together to celebrate the values of courage, commitment and achievement. We are proud of the players, coaches and fans of the Washington Redskins for all that they have done to improve the lives of others in neighborhoods all across our region. We are also grateful for the sacrifices made by the brave men and women of our armed forces that have provided us the freedom to play football. In that great tradition, the Washington Redskins will work to address divisions and bring unity, civility and respect to our greater community.

Cybercowboy 09-25-2017 12:57pm

To that big wall of text, I say "Nice try, won't work. You done played yourselves boys."

DAB 09-25-2017 12:58pm

sadly, most tickets are sold on a season ticket basis, so you won't see scads of unsold tickets in the coming weeks. they have already been sold. and the buyers are now faced with a "sunk cost" decision. they have already laid out good money for their tickets. the game will happen whether they go or not. the value of the ticket is the right to sit in that seat during the game. once the game is over, the ticket has zero value. so do you go and incur more expenses (parking, travel, food, memorabilia, etc), or do you stay home, either watch it on TV as an empty seat protest, or stay home and do something else (TV ratings matter). and do you further avoid the various sponsors with pointed letters sent to them?

the NFL is drowning in money, but they have a severe lack of leadership at the top and are running out of character.

i'd wager that more NFL ticket holders voted for Trump than Hillary. you saw the reaction at the Friday rally to Trump's take on this. his voters are in support of his position.

and.... who has explained what these "protests" are about? no one to my mind? so what is the point? just standing with Kapernick? he needs a job.

Jeff '79 09-25-2017 12:59pm

The media is always looking for ratings so they blow this thing up.
Put the camera on the flag during the National Anthem ... Not on the players. Then they can kneel, hold hands, plook each other, or whatever.
Then no one will see it on TV and it will go away.

Aerovette 09-25-2017 1:00pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1587884)
sadly, most tickets are sold on a season ticket basis, so you won't see scads of unsold tickets in the coming weeks. they have already been sold. and the buyers are now faced with a "sunk cost" decision. they have already laid out good money for their tickets. the game will happen whether they go or not. the value of the ticket is the right to sit in that seat during the game. once the game is over, the ticket has zero value. so do you go and incur more expenses (parking, travel, food, memorabilia, etc), or do you stay home, either watch it on TV as an empty seat protest, or stay home and do something else (TV ratings matter). and do you further avoid the various sponsors with pointed letters sent to them?

the NFL is drowning in money, but they have a severe lack of leadership at the top and are running out of character.

i'd wager that more NFL ticket holders voted for Trump than Hillary. you saw the reaction at the Friday rally to Trump's take on this. his voters are in support of his position.

and.... who has explained what these "protests" are about? no one to my mind? so what is the point? just standing with Kapernick? he needs a job.

I would be happy to take liberal money for my conservative owned tickets if I had them.

Cybercowboy 09-25-2017 1:02pm


Originally Posted by Jeff '79 (Post 1587885)
The media is always looking for ratings so they blow this thing up.
Put the camera on the flag during the National Anthem ... Not on the players. Then they can kneel, hold hands, plook each other, or whatever.
Then no one will see it on TV and it will go away.

In this age of social media? Nope.

Cybercowboy 09-25-2017 1:03pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1587884)
sadly, most tickets are sold on a season ticket basis, so you won't see scads of unsold tickets in the coming weeks. they have already been sold. and the buyers are now faced with a "sunk cost" decision. they have already laid out good money for their tickets. the game will happen whether they go or not. the value of the ticket is the right to sit in that seat during the game. once the game is over, the ticket has zero value.

Cybercowboy 09-25-2017 1:05pm

This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Mike Mercury 09-25-2017 1:07pm


Baltimore Ravens

Owner Steve Bisciotti

We recognize our players' influence. We respect their demonstration and support them 100 percent. All voices need to be heard. That's democracy in its highest form.

you were never allowed to bring your personal politics into work, and display them while on the clock.

Again, those kneeling could instead send an editorial letter to their local newspaper, or call a news conference at their homes front porch, or go to town square and give a speech.

NOTHING is stopping them from doing this.

DAB 09-25-2017 1:11pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1587891)

i got a speeding ticket about 17 years ago.

rebel here.

reminds me of the old Marlon Brando line:

he's asked "what are you rebelling against?"

he replies, "what do you got?"

seems like a replay of this. protesting for the sake of fitting in with the 'cool' crowd (other players). and the parents/owners just stand by wondering what the kids are doing, only concerned about the money flow.

MrPeabody 09-25-2017 1:18pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1587891)

The offense that is most odd is "outstanding warrant".
How TF are you even on the team with outstanding warrants? It's very easy to check on this with the internet nowadays.

Jeff '79 09-25-2017 1:20pm

And There You Have It Kids

snide 09-25-2017 1:26pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 1587884)

and.... who has explained what these "protests" are about? no one to my mind? so what is the point? just standing with Kapernick? he needs a job.

They'll be standing with him in the unemployment line soon enough.

DAB 09-25-2017 1:34pm

there are 120+ college teams, with 80+ players, about 20 graduate each year, so that's about 2400 potential players available each year.

32 pro teams, 53 players each is 1696 players.

so you could literally fire the entire league and re-staff it in a heart beat.

quality of play you say? you watched college games Saturday. same players. :slap:

bet you wouldn't even notice the change.

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