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Ronins2ndCuzzin 12-19-2023 4:25pm


Originally Posted by cptlo306 (Post 2187877)
He can't pardon himself in the Georgia case.

Also, he won't win again so the idea of him pardoning himself is pointless.

Won't have to. Won't even be a trial. It's okay to cry man. Trump's going to be your daddy again. Just lay back and let it happen.

Bill 12-19-2023 4:29pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 2187834)
imagine the exploding heads if a case comes back "guilty", and Trump stands up and says, "your honor, i have a full, complete, and unconditional pardon from the President of the United States in my pocket, i'll be leaving now."

I really hope he did write pardons for himself, his family, and the people in his administration. After seeing the political lawfare against Trump, every future president would be an idiot to NOT write out pardons for himself and anyone who worked for him. I bet he didn't, though, because really, who would have thought the left would go THIS far? I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

It would have to have iron clad corroboration, that all those pardons were actually signed on 1-19 right before the next inauguration. I mean, they would have to have multiple videos with audio confirming what was being signed, along with a bunch of witnesses. And then you'd need a sworn to secrecy pact so that assuming they weren't needed in the future, nobody would know about them.

DAB 12-19-2023 4:46pm

and if Joe loses, you can be sure he'll dash off a bunch for his family and cronies.

Bill 12-19-2023 4:59pm


Originally Posted by DAB (Post 2187946)
and if Joe loses, you can be sure he'll dash off a bunch for his family and cronies.

Brandon absolutely must write pardons for his whole family.....they're all dirty when the family business is influence peddling. And since they're in Delaware, they're protected from state prosecutions for anything else they've done.

Shame some of that crime couldn't be tied to a nexus in Texas (pun intended). I'd love to see AG Paxton charge Brandon, et al, with state crimes.

DAB 12-19-2023 5:21pm

if we prosecuted everyone who is guilty, there would be none left.

tax cheat, off you go. take bribes, off you go. drunk driving, hop in. influence peddling (a favorite, as it just skims on the surface of being legal), in the paddy wagon you go.....and so on. honest men don't get into politics.

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