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RedLS1GTO 11-13-2012 9:25am

What it all comes down to is very simple... liberals want to take credit for giving people healthcare but refuse to take credit for what it takes and what it costs to make it happen.

Take credit for anything you see as good. Villainize and blame somebody else for the bad. liberalism 101.

Millenium Vette 11-13-2012 10:13am


Originally Posted by Joecooool (Post 811034)
Instead of raising the price of his pizza 14 fuking cents, he would rather lay off employees.

John Schnatter, Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee hours being cut

He sold 1.2 billion dollars worth of shitty pizza last year and now wants to cut his employees hours because he estimates the new health care law will cost his company between 5-8 million dollars. A number works out to about half a percent in sales.

Now before you get on your high horse about business cost and how the 14 fuking cents will put him out of business, consider this.

This asshole is already using the government to subsidise his employees health care.

Surely no one flipping pizza is able to afford health insurance on their own, so the only other option is Medicaid.

So that's right. Instead of raising the price of a pizza 14 fuking cents, this asshole would prefer to keep his employees health care cost on the US tax payers.


Originally Posted by SteelCityBlue (Post 811050)
This pisses me off to no end. What an asshole.

I'm sure some idiot will run to his defense, but this just shows how little he cares about his employees. I think most of them are franchises, so I don't think it will effect as much as he thinks.


Originally Posted by SteelCityBlue (Post 811057)
Ah, the business is in the business of profit with no social concience argument. Heard it alot in grad school. Was stupid then too.

It is a favorite of small business that utilizes relatively non skilled labor. If you need any kind of intellectual horsepower, however, this dies a quick death.


Originally Posted by SteelCityBlue (Post 811078)
Everyone knows the costs are going to be passed on to the consumer. So just do it. Don't be an asshole over 14 cents. It's just a pr nightmare.

FYI I will never vote for a democrat because I'm in pharma and it always leads to some asshole running the FDA that turns it hostile to industry.


Originally Posted by SteelCityBlue (Post 811083)
He wasn't charging you $12.14 because the have this unique thing called a MARKETING DEPARTMENT who would laugh if you tried to put that on an ad.

It has nothing to do with supply and demand. This market is pretting inelastic. We are talking about pizzas, ok?


Originally Posted by SteelCityBlue (Post 811107)
It won't effect sales that much and far from clueless. It just doesn't work in this market. Sorry. I could go into the whole discretionary spending market theory, but if I wanted to teach at vandy I would.

And the thought sales and marketing go hand in hand is ubsurd. Anyone who has worked at a major corporation in sales will tell you marketing and sales spend most of the time at each other's throats.

My point is he's an idiot. And the same costs of 14 cents will be picked up somewhere else like a 25 cent up in the delivery charge at Domino's and no one will say shit.


Originally Posted by Joecooool (Post 811117)
If you think someone isn't going to pay 14 cents more for a pizza, you're nuts.


Originally Posted by kingpin (Post 811201)
The dude could have put one less slice of pepperoni to save the .14 cents.
It's his perogative to do what he wants but it seems pretty shifty.
He could have done this all quietly no matter what decision he made but chose to make it a media event. That's what makes him a dick.

Personally I couldn't care less if my favourite pizza place doubled the price of their pizza.
It's what I prefer and am willing to pay it.


Originally Posted by SteelCityBlue (Post 811360)
Lock it up. I knew at sometime some rational actor would prove the theory of discretionary spending. Only a matter of time.:seasix:


Originally Posted by Joecooool (Post 811740)
Sure. And his actions show he is an asshole.:cert:

It seems as though we have quite a few experts with tons of experience in the shitty pizza business. I will be the first to say I have no idea how "14 fuking cents" will affect the company. I will make the assumption that the shitty pizza business is extremely competitive. I doubt there is that much brand loyalty from one franchise to another, thus making the argument that people will pay whatever it costs wrong. We are not talking about a strong customer following like you may have with an independent pizza place. When was the last time you heard someone say they will eat only Little Ceasars pizza and nothing else.

Another question: How many here that thing "14 fuking cents" is not a big deal have had to make payroll? Ever lost sleep thinking about that not so little problem? I have. It drastically changes your view of business. Sure the owner of Papa John's is rich now, but you never lose track of how fast expenses can get away from you. "14 fuking cents" turns into millions quicker than you can imagine.

Giraffe (He/Him) 11-13-2012 10:29am


It seems as though we have quite a few experts with tons of experience in the shitty pizza business.
Did you miss this?

I'm not at all knowledgeable on this topic.
That's from my post. I'm not claiming to be an expert at all. As a matter of fact, I've openly admitted I don't know a lot about the subject.

My comment, and my ONLY comment was it seems kinda petty over .14 cents. Maybe you could refrain from tossing me in your so called group of experts?


Millenium Vette 11-13-2012 10:36am


Originally Posted by Thomas (Post 811886)
Did you miss this?

That's from my post. I'm not claiming to be an expert at all. As a matter of fact, I've openly admitted I don't know a lot about the subject.

My comment, and my ONLY comment was it seems kinda petty over .14 cents. Maybe you could refrain from tossing me in your so called group of experts?


Sure, no problem. But, do you see my point of .14 cents adding up to millions? That is not small change. I did not post to be nasty, but to make a point.


RedLS1GTO 11-13-2012 11:28am


...estimating the new law would cost the business $5 million to $8 million annually.
Papa John's Pizza
Type Public (NASDAQ: PZZA)
Net income US $51.940 million (2010)

It's only 10-15% of the net income of the company. No big deal at all, right? F*ck it. He's rich.

Are you really so completely oblivious and simple minded that you think it is only "14 fuking cents"?? :skep:

Joecooool 11-13-2012 11:37am


Originally Posted by Will (Post 811805)
Which actions?

Costs will go up. This is a pretty simple fact. Is he an ass-hole for stating the obvious?

There is the possibility that some franchises will cut back employee hours. This seems pretty obvious. Is he an ass-hole for stating this?

Back to the above. His costs go up, his prices go up as a result. Is he an ass-hole for stating this?

About 1/3 of all employees are on company insurance. He allegedly wants to insure more. He cites rising costs as the main deterrent. No chit. Is he an ass-hole for stating this?

Despite not being a fan, he's willing to try to look on the bright side, and assume the law will actually work as alleged (it won't). Is he an ass-hole for this? He states the estimate of what it will cost Papa Johns annually. Is he an ass-hole for disclosing this?

Going back to the very first quote again. He restates the OBVIOUS. Some franchise owners are going to have to adjust by cutting hours. Is he an ass-hole for stating the OBVIOUS, that some franchise owners will cut hours?

Papa John's CEO isn't a member here to my knowledge, but you really need to stop calling him an ass-hole anyway. It's getting old, considering in order to do so you're (1) taking him completely out of context, and (2) on top of that, blaming the out-of-context strawman you've created for the actions of the Democratic party and the President.

Its 14 fuking cents per pizza Will.

Jesus H Christ.

Joecooool 11-13-2012 11:39am


Originally Posted by RedLS1GTO (Post 811942)
Papa John's Pizza
Type Public (NASDAQ: PZZA)
Net income US $51.940 million (2010)

It's only 10-15% of the net income of the company. No big deal at all, right? F*ck it. He's rich.

Are you really so completely oblivious and simple minded that you think it is only "14 fuking cents"?? :skep:

Are you so simple minded as to not understand the 14 cents makes up the difference?

Taurus 11-13-2012 11:41am


Originally Posted by Joecooool (Post 811954)
Its 14 fuking cents per pizza Will.

Jesus H Christ.

Good, let you and all those that voted for Obama pay it then.

Craig 11-13-2012 11:59am

I'd suggest that those who don't like his business policy not buy his pizza.

jaxgator 11-13-2012 12:01pm


Originally Posted by Craig (Post 811981)
I'd suggest that those who don't like his business policy not buy his pizza.

If that's the case, they'll be going without quite a bit before too long.

Stangkiller 11-13-2012 12:03pm


Originally Posted by Joecooool (Post 811954)
Its 14 fuking cents per pizza Will.

Jesus H Christ.

That's assuming sales doesn't drop. But then again I'm sure his company does a ton of research that sets the price for their pizzas. I suspect they've done their homework and established they won't be able to raise the price of their pizza by 14 cents without feeling the effects. So, it's only 14 cents per current sales numbers, but that number rises as sales drops. Or are you suggesting you think it's fair to take that out of the pocket of the company owner?

This health care law is absolute bullshit, and is putting many of our business owners in tight situations. To compound that, liberals much like yourself are attempting to ridicule companies for reacting differently to the bill than you'd like. Lets face it, it's a free market, he's done the math and decided he can't raise the price of the pizza, and can simply restructure his employment to adapt to the bill in the most profitable manner. Don't like it? Blame the bill, not the business reacting to the law.

Craig 11-13-2012 12:06pm


Originally Posted by jaxgator (Post 811985)
If that's the case, they'll be going without quite a bit before too long.

I'm okay with that. Vote with you wallet.

jaxgator 11-13-2012 12:15pm


Originally Posted by Stangkiller (Post 811990)
This health care law is absolute bullshit, and is putting many of our business owners in tight situations. To compound that, liberals much like yourself are attempting to ridicule companies for reacting differently to the bill than you'd like. Lets face it, it's a free market, he's done the math and decided he can't raise the price of the pizza, and can simply restructure his employment to adapt to the bill in the most profitable manner. Don't like it? Blame the bill, not the business reacting to the law.

But, but,'s those greedy corporations that don't want the poor to have "free" healthcare. Besides, didn't you know that healthcare is a basic human right? :rolleyes:

RedLS1GTO 11-13-2012 12:19pm


Originally Posted by Joecooool (Post 811956)
Are you so simple minded as to not understand the 14 cents makes up the difference?

So I guess the answer is yes. You actually are simple minded enough to think that you can dumb down complex economics to the level of crayons and construction paper.

I have a very simple question.

Seeing as it is a reasonable statement to say that Papa John's was already doing everything possible to maximize profit, why were they not already charging $.14 more?

You don't just raise prices $.14 and multiply it out. Despite your best efforts to use kindergarten math, it is not that simple. The complexities of marketing and sales are far and above what you seem to make of them. When you raise the price, you lose market share. It is the most basic marketing principle possible. How is it possible for someone in sales not to comprehend that? :skep:

By your way of thinking, they could raise the prices another $.50 and make an easy $20 million more profit. Too bad they didn't have someone as smart as you letting them know it was that easy.

Stangkiller 11-13-2012 12:24pm


Originally Posted by jaxgator (Post 812001)
But, but,'s those greedy corporations that don't want the poor to have "free" healthcare. Besides, didn't you know that healthcare is a basic human right? :rolleyes:

Since nobdy's asked this...since when has working at a fast food restaurant become a career requiring health insurance?

kingpin 11-13-2012 2:21pm


Originally Posted by Millenium Vette (Post 811871)
It seems as though we have quite a few experts with tons of experience in the shitty pizza business. I will be the first to say I have no idea how "14 fuking cents" will affect the company. I will make the assumption that the shitty pizza business is extremely competitive. I doubt there is that much brand loyalty from one franchise to another, thus making the argument that people will pay whatever it costs wrong. We are not talking about a strong customer following like you may have with an independent pizza place. When was the last time you heard someone say they will eat only Little Ceasars pizza and nothing else.

Another question: How many here that thing "14 fuking cents" is not a big deal have had to make payroll? Ever lost sleep thinking about that not so little problem? I have. It drastically changes your view of business. Sure the owner of Papa John's is rich now, but you never lose track of how fast expenses can get away from you. "14 fuking cents" turns into millions quicker than you can imagine.

I will say this first.
I have never been, and never will be against Corporate business for the way they choose to make money, or how much they want to keep. I've said this before.

My point I was trying to make was there was a better way to handle this and it was internally.
PJ chose to come out and publicly say what their plan was.
Either to show their lack of support for the current administration, or to prove a point.
This can very easily backfire on them as PR is not always good for business. Especially in such a politically strong mindset like in the US.

Millenium Vette 11-13-2012 2:39pm


Originally Posted by kingpin (Post 812194)
I will say this first.
I have never been, and never will be against Corporate business for the way they choose to make money, or how much they want to keep. I've said this before.

My point I was trying to make was there was a better way to handle this and it was internally.
PJ chose to come out and publicly say what their plan was.
Either to show their lack of support for the current administration, or to prove a point.

This can very easily backfire on them as PR is not always good for business. Especially in such a politically strong mindset like in the US.

Or, it might possibly be because Papa John's is a publicly traded company and he has an obligation to report to shareholders what is happening with the company.


John Schnatter: In August, he made national headlines after telling shareholders the Affordable Care Act — commonly known as Obamacare — would result in a 10- to 14-cent increase for customers buying a pizza.

kingpin 11-13-2012 2:58pm


Originally Posted by Millenium Vette (Post 812221)
Or, it might possibly be because Papa John's is a publicly traded company and he has an obligation to report to shareholders what is happening with the company.

Damn it! Skimming gets me in trouble again. :banghead:

I still think it should have been handled internally.

Blademaker 11-13-2012 3:06pm

Still crappy pizza, IMO. :D

Doug28450 11-13-2012 3:25pm


Originally Posted by Blademaker (Post 812242)
Still crappy pizza, IMO. :D

Don't forget the competition.


Little Caesar's

Pizza Hut

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