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Cybercowboy 07-01-2020 6:57pm

And then there's the whole "intubation is the answer" and "toss them in a nursing home" thing.

Bill 07-01-2020 7:04pm


Originally Posted by C3C7NIC (Post 1779084)
Come on Stev~E, you seem to be a pretty smart guy. You trly cannot tell me that if 2 people have masks on that does not decrease the viral shed/transmission!

So If I invited you to go help me care for a patient with COVID, since you are deeming masks utterly useless, I'l let you just go commando. :funniest:

5 days of hydrochloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc....then send 'em home,

Cybercowboy 07-01-2020 7:09pm


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 1779113)
5 days of hydrochloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc....then send 'em home,

Yeah, well, we all know what the "experts" think about that, right? But $2300/treatment Remdesivir That Fauci is pushing? It works! Trust him, he's fully invested in the company that makes it. But $0.30/pill HCQ? It'll kill ya!

C3C7NIC 07-01-2020 7:16pm


Originally Posted by Steve_R (Post 1779109)
I’m absolutely sure I’ve worn respirators (not paper or cloth masks, but actual respirators) more than anybody here. I’ve gone in a room with enough airborne plutonium to kill you if you took two breaths without a supplied air suit. In deciding what PPE is appropriate for a hazard we use what’s called a graded approach. We don’t require respirators “just in case” or for hazards with almost no chance of happening. I hate hearing someone say “you can’t be too safe” because that’s absolutely untrue.

When do we get to stop wearing masks for this virus? Once a vaccine exists and 40% of the population don’t get it, then what? What if no effective vaccine exists for another 2 years, do we wear masks (and social distance, and drive people and businesses bankrupt, etc, etc, etc) for years?

We flattened the curve. In fact, there was no curve in most of the country to flatten. Hospitals are begging people to come in because we’ve scared or banned people from getting needed healthcare. This virus is real. Our reaction to it has been absurd from day 1.

Well, now that we have let a SARS virus infecting America, we now, like ASIA, may have to wear masks as a new norm, IN CERTAIN scenarios and counties/areas where COVID is prevalent.

You really cannot compare radiation to virus. Radiation does not use our bodies as a portal to "infect" others. I won't claim to be an expert on radiation, that's your game, but I sure as hell know a lot about infection control.

If your county has no cases, yea, I think that having mandatory mask regulations are silly. BUT, in cities where that is NOT the case, like here, where we are have 500+ cases a day and my ICU beds are filling up AGAIN..... wear the mother F'ing mask before you kill more innocent people.

Screw all the political talk surrounding this, I don't give a chit about politics, I care about innocent lives being lost.

C3C7NIC 07-01-2020 7:18pm


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 1779113)
5 days of hydrochloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc....then send 'em home,


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1779116)
Yeah, well, we all know what the "experts" think about that, right? But $2300/treatment Remdesivir That Fauci is pushing? It works! Trust him, he's fully invested in the company that makes it. But $0.30/pill HCQ? It'll kill ya!

See, this is exactly what I am talking about.

Exactly how many people have you treated for COVID to base your opinions on?


C3C7NIC 07-01-2020 7:25pm


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 1779113)
5 days of hydrochloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc....then send 'em home,

These I feel are helpful in the very early stages of the illness. ALL of our patients that made the nasty turn for the worse, once they got to that point of coming to the ER and being admitted, none of the above showed ANY efficacy, so it was removed from our hospitals protocol, and we are a multi state facility.

Some studies do show that this is effective PRE illness as a preventative.

I am taking high dose c/zinc daily.

markids77 07-01-2020 8:20pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1779108)
:island14: Most likely. Bill Gates involved? Fauci? I'm out.

And we're not complaining about wearing a mask, we are pointing out that it's a social engineering exercise. If a "mask" is a scarf, baklava, or any other non-corona-virus-certified mask (as is almost anything anyone can get their hands on) then it's completely pointless and probably counterproductive.

Baklava is a Greek dessert item. I think the word you seek is balaclava. If you wish to be considered a serious researcher and not a misinformed citizen at least get your terminology straight.
We now return you to scheduled programming already in progress.

sublime1996525 07-01-2020 8:32pm

It is very interesting to see the difference in views between medical and non medical staff.

Cybercowboy 07-01-2020 8:36pm


Originally Posted by markids77 (Post 1779150)
Baklava is a Greek dessert item. I think the word you seek is balaclava. If you wish to be considered a serious researcher and not a misinformed citizen at least get your terminology straight.
We now return you to scheduled programming already in progress.

OK, you got me there on an auto-correct. Good job. Serious researcher? I think most people here on this forum know that I don't just pull shit out of my proverbial ass, but hey, whatever.

Cybercowboy 07-01-2020 8:37pm


Originally Posted by C3C7NIC (Post 1779118)
See, this is exactly what I am talking about.

Exactly how many people have you treated for COVID to base your opinions on?


You so easily dismiss.

So when this happens, people refusing to get the Bill Gates vaccine, you're going to just look down on them as some sort of yokels or something? I'm not anti-vacc, it's just that he has a track record. And it's frankly terrifying.

I'm posting links from both "left" and "right" sites so I don't get baklava on my balaclava.

right-wing youtube

C3C7NIC 07-01-2020 8:43pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1779161)
You so easily dismiss.

Come again?

markids77 07-01-2020 8:44pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1779159)
OK, you got me there on an auto-correct. Good job. Serious researcher? I think most people here on this forum know that I don't just pull shit out of my proverbial ass, but hey, whatever.

Your choice of wording, syntax and punctuation are the only criteria we who read your (or anyone's) posts have to judge the "worth" of your words so yes, be certain your posting says what you want it to. Just like the shallow fools who insist on "cliffs" because they are too lazy to truly invest in sharing here, blaming auto correct is shallow defense. Proof your postings and I for one will consider your musings more seriously.

C3C7NIC 07-01-2020 8:46pm


Originally Posted by sublime1996525 (Post 1779155)
It is very interesting to see the difference in views between medical and non medical staff.

Nailed it.

Like I said, like old fat guys on their couch, arm chair quarterbacking the super bowl players.


Rikki Z-06 07-01-2020 8:47pm


Originally Posted by markids77 (Post 1779165)
Your choice of wording, syntax and punctuation are the only criteria we who read your (or anyone's) posts have to judge the "worth" of your words so yes, be certain your posting says what you want it to. Just like the shallow fools who insist on "cliffs" because they are too lazy to truly invest in sharing here, blaming auto correct is shallow defense. Proof your postings and I for one will consider your musings more seriously.

Cliffs? :rofl:

markids77 07-01-2020 8:49pm


Originally Posted by Rikki Z-06 (Post 1779167)
Cliffs? :rofl:

Up yours. :lol:

Cybercowboy 07-01-2020 8:56pm


Originally Posted by C3C7NIC (Post 1779163)
Come again?

You. So. Easily. Dismiss.


See, this is exactly what I am talking about.

Exactly how many people have you treated for COVID to base your opinions on?
I don't have to treat a single one to speak to this issue. It's kinda funny how anyone would even assume that was a prerequisite. I don't really care much, this is but a tiny forum.

MrPeabody 07-01-2020 8:58pm


Originally Posted by sublime1996525 (Post 1779155)
It is very interesting to see the difference in views between medical and non medical staff.

The amazing thing is they are also constitutional law experts.:leaving:

Cybercowboy 07-01-2020 9:01pm


Originally Posted by MrPeabody (Post 1779177)
The amazing thing is they are also constitutional law experts.:leaving:

Ah, see? This is exactly why grandma is going to die because you're not wearing that mask. She knows that the Constitution and all conjugates have a capital C.

Aerovette 07-01-2020 9:04pm


Originally Posted by C3C7NIC (Post 1779093)
Well, that is a complete jackass comparison, you can see fire jack hole. :rofl: You know, smoke/fire and all.

I know you work in a facility that makes COVID tests, they have any that let those infected glow green or something so we all know??? :nutkick:

Your comparison is no different. I can SEE the person is in the ICU and you already told me we were going in.

MrPeabody 07-01-2020 9:05pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1779180)
Ah, see? This is exactly why grandma is going to die because you're not wearing that mask. She knows that the Constitution and all conjugates have a capital C.


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