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Steve_R 07-10-2020 7:28pm

It appears Jeff 79 and his new liberal buddy voted.

Sea Six 07-11-2020 3:54am


Originally Posted by lspencer534 (Post 1782344)
I don't know who started this distrust of the Police by the public and this distrust of the people by the Police, but it has certainly gotten out of hand. Let me give you a true story of what happened in my City last year:

Two Policemen came to a man's house about 9:00 PM one night. They entered his house with a key given to them by his wife. They ran down the hallway with their flashlights and pistols drawn, grabbed the man as he was exiting his bedroom, and forcibly took him to the foyer.

One Policeman then went back to his bedroom and took all his weapons (a Henry .22 cal. rifle, a Remington 870 shotgun, a Ruger .357 Magnum pistol, and a Kahr 8 shot 9 mm pistol. They unloaded all of them and put the bullets in their pockets. All guns were registered, and he has no criminal record.

The next morning 11 Policemen returned to his home, found him in the workshop, and the SWAT team tackled him and threw him to the concrete floor, knocking him out. The Police refused to tell him what he was charged with and took him to the ER, where he was taken to the psych ward for 4 days. At the Lunacy hearing he was found to be sane and released.

The Police still has his weapons and refuse to give them back to the man. Turns out his wife had filed a Police Report against him, all false and for the purpose of committing him and getting his money. Did the Police investigate her Report? No. Will they? No. Instead they use their drones to watch him and follow him around in a Police car to harass him.

Someone with some sense needs to stop this over-zealous conduct by the Police and stop it's actions. As it is, the Poice are truly above the law.


What does his lawyer recommend he do?

Olustee bus 07-11-2020 4:55am

I went on a no knock raid one night with our county sheriff and his team. We had the meeting prior to the strike and I got in the sheriff's Tahoe and away we went. We stopped about a block away. I thought, ok, this is cool, the deputies will rush in and secure the house and inhabitants and me and the sheriff would then ease in.

Well, as soon as the percussion bomb tossed in the back yard, the sheriff took off like a bat outa hell! We came to a screeching halt at the front porch. I told him I would wait here for a while, he said ok and went running in. Iwaited about five minutes until I thought is was safe and strolled into the living room and was going towards the hall where the sheriff and deputies went into a bedroom.

Then I heard the officers screaming at someone and one said, "he's going for a gun, he's got a gun. I eased back into the living room while all hell was going on in the bedroom. Started to go out and then things seemed to be under control, so I waited in the living room. I was standing there near a tv that was on and there were two "ladies there" sitting on the couch. They were probably late teens, early 2o's. So I am standing there waiting for them to drag the drug dealer into the living room.

I happened to look down at the tv and it was some pretty raunchy porn on! They brought the dealer from the bedroom to the living room and sat him down. One of the officers looked down at the perp and said "I'm gonna see your black ass rot in jail"! Not a lot of politically correct verbage going on there.

I never went on another.

Lakota 07-11-2020 6:31am

The military doesn't SELL equipment to civilian Police departments. It's surplus equipment that is donated.

Civilians have military grade assult weapons so the Police need them , otherwise they are out gunned.

Fast fwd to minute 6 on the below video.

Scene from made for TV movie "In the Line of Duty: The FBI Murders" depicting the gun fight between Michael Platt, William Matix and FBI agents at Southwest 82nd Avenue, Miami, Florida on April 11th 1986 (David Soul, Michael Gross).

Stangkiller 07-11-2020 7:00am

I think i want most of our cops to quit, especially the ones im related to. those awful states calling for that shit dont deserve their officers.

I do agree with whats being said above related to the no knock raids, that shit has to stop, especially after HPD forged a ton of paper work and assassinated two folks on based on fake intel.

Mick 07-11-2020 7:07am


Originally Posted by Barn Babe (Post 1782172)
Okay, but what about the cases where they have to enter a place where they know the people on the other side are armed and hostile towards police? If they knock, they could wind up being shot through the door.

My question would be: why do they HAVE to enter right now?

I think the "destroying evidence" thing is a red herring. It's well-known that people die in no knock warrant situations, so we should not be putting the lives of citizens, who have not yet been convicted of a crime, and LEOs in mortal danger simply to gather evidence against a suspect. A no knock warrant should ONLY be considered when the police already have a shit load of evidence against the suspect, and need to get him off the street promptly.

So, if you accept that, my question becomes more valid, why do they have to enter NOW? Why not use a bullhorn to tell the suspect he is under arrest, and to come out and surrender. If he doesn't, turn off the water, power, etc., he'll come out eventually. And if the LEOs are at the wrong address, they'll probably figure that out before they kill a couple of innocent civilians.

Bill 07-11-2020 10:20am

Remember the mob that broke down a gate to enter a private subdivision and terrorize a St. Louis couple? The couple that brandished firearms to keep the mob from destroying their home? That couple? The police just raided their house, and seized their guns. Now, if the mob returns, they can rest assured that couple can NOT protect themselves.


snide 07-11-2020 11:15am


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 1782472)
Remember the mob that broke down a gate to enter a private subdivision and terrorize a St. Louis couple? The couple that brandished firearms to keep the mob from destroying their home? That couple? The police just raided their house, and seized their guns. Now, if the mob returns, they can rest assured that couple can NOT protect themselves.


You'd think that that guy knows a good lawyer... But that is a travesty that the police stole their weapons. :slap::slap::slap:

Sea Six 07-11-2020 12:20pm


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 1782472)
Remember the mob that broke down a gate to enter a private subdivision and terrorize a St. Louis couple? The couple that brandished firearms to keep the mob from destroying their home? That couple? The police just raided their house, and seized their guns. Now, if the mob returns, they can rest assured that couple can NOT protect themselves.


I read that their guns were seized.

I did not read that they were now prohibited from owning guns.

They are rich; I suspect they will be more well regulated than they were before.

Sea Six 07-11-2020 12:22pm


Originally Posted by Sea Six (Post 1782417)
What does his lawyer recommend he do?



Bill 07-11-2020 12:35pm


Originally Posted by Sea Six (Post 1782501)
I read that their guns were seized.

I did not read that they were now prohibited from owning guns.

They are rich; I suspect they will be more well regulated than they were before.

If you have a right to keep and bear arms, but if you choose to exercise that right, you have those firearms seized, you really have that right?

The Soros bought D.A. used the police as her personal goon squad, and nobody had ANY problem with that? For what it's worth, I used to be fairly anti-cop based on a bunch of speeding tickets and not getting help when I or my business have been robbed. I've mellowed, tempered that, and I'd say that overall I now support the cops, especially in light of the mass rioting we've seen. They are our last line of defense against the leftist mob.

The problem is, they are, in many jurisdictions, allowing themselves to be used as political pawns. Could the St. Louis cops have fought the legality of the D.A.'s order? These people clearly were defending themselves and their property from a trespassing mob affiliated with many other mobs that ended up being violent.

The mob was formally notified that they were trespassing, and not only refused to leave, but continued to harass our homeowners. They did that with guns brandished. How much more bold do you think they would have been with no guns?

Sea Six 07-11-2020 1:55pm


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 1782503)
If you have a right to keep and bear arms, but if you choose to exercise that right, you have those firearms seized, you really have that right?

The Soros bought D.A. used the police as her personal goon squad, and nobody had ANY problem with that? For what it's worth, I used to be fairly anti-cop based on a bunch of speeding tickets and not getting help when I or my business have been robbed. I've mellowed, tempered that, and I'd say that overall I now support the cops, especially in light of the mass rioting we've seen. They are our last line of defense against the leftist mob.

The problem is, they are, in many jurisdictions, allowing themselves to be used as political pawns. Could the St. Louis cops have fought the legality of the D.A.'s order? These people clearly were defending themselves and their property from a trespassing mob affiliated with many other mobs that ended up being violent.

The mob was formally notified that they were trespassing, and not only refused to leave, but continued to harass our homeowners. They did that with guns brandished. How much more bold do you think they would have been with no guns?

'Lax, Bill.

I didn't say I was cool with the fact that their guns were siezed. It's tyrannical.

But I was pointing out the fact that I doubt they are unarmed sitting ducks.


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