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Ol Timer 05-16-2016 12:16pm


Originally Posted by erickpl (Post 1474325)
About the only time I'm towards the middle of the lane is riding in a group going around curves designated as a no passing zone. On more than one occasion, I've ridden single file down a road into a blind curve and had a car try to pass me only to see a vehicle coming towards him/us. Guess which way he swerved to avoid it? Yep, in my direction. Fortunately, I saw what he was doing, already saw the car coming and had slowed down knowing he'd come back towards the shoulder.

Most riders I know do not try to be jerks on the bike. I know a few that probably shouldn't be allowed on anything other than a merry-go-round, but the ones I ride with regularly all follow the rules and WILL take up the lane on blind curves to avoid dangerous passing situations.

Our town had a bike ride held by the mayor on Saturday. On the way to it, a group of cyclists passed my wife and me as we were about to pedal to the starting point. They ran a stop light - with a COP behind them. He lit them up and gave em tickets - as he should have.

As we rode past, we said, "Remember, traffic rules apply to us too", laughed and kept on riding (the light was green for us).

Please do not assume that cyclists are just trying to piss you off. I used to hate cyclists too, then became one. Once you're out there on a bike, some of the things cyclist do start to make sense. We have families we want to get home to as well, but also choose to engage in an activity to stay healthy, as long as people aren't hitting us or rolling coal on us.

There is enough in life to stress about without having to wait a few seconds to be able to get around a cyclist (or a group of them).

And before you say it, yes I will roll a stop light or a stop sign - but ONLY if there are NO cars anywhere near or approaching. If I can see another motorized vehicle, I will stop.


This. I get irritated at irresponsible bikers just as much as anyone. Maybe more, since I ride and realize that we all get painted by the same brush.

At 67 with type II diabetes, cycling is the best regular exercise activity I can think of.

You know, not all idiots on the road are on 2 wheels!

GRN ENVY 05-16-2016 12:36pm


Originally Posted by JRD77VET (Post 1474194)
You may be able to keep the pace in the flat lands of FL but it's a different story here in PA.

I hope you are the considerate bike rider you present yourself to be. I'm pretty damn tired of the bike riders around here that are yelling about "share the road" and then run stop signs, red lights and ride in the middle of the road when the side / edge is smooth.

I am sure there would be quite a few hills that would kick my ass. I'm always trying to be out of the way of traffic as possible.

I'm not the person who would purposely get in the way to make a point that you share the road with cyclists.

Courtesy goes a long way. A lot of folks recognize me cycling in my area. I'm always polite, aware they are driving around me. On many cases let them proceed before I do at an intersection. Many are appreciative. Still have a few who have to pull up close next to me.

I don't yell, or raise my hand with a gesture. After all you are in a car, I'm on a bike. I will always loose in that match up :seasix:


Originally Posted by 6spdC6 (Post 1474003)
Illegal here! Of course it seems that many traffic laws are ignored by many of the bikers on a regular bases. I live on the lake and I sure can write a book about things I have seen up here with all classes of people movers!

They allow us to ride tandem two wide, down here. if I'm cycling in your neck of the woods. I'll be sure to stay in my line in the lane. Of course always being aware of who's coming behind and approaching me. You have to keep a look out for your self or you might be the next roadkill.

OddBall 05-16-2016 2:18pm


Originally Posted by erickpl (Post 1474325)
...and WILL take up the lane on blind curves to avoid dangerous passing situations.

I actually agree with and appreciate this. Especially since I might be the poor dumb bastard that is coming from the other direction. Just remember, on a gnarly curve, you can be unseen from both directions; meaning the guy coming up behind you may be taking the curves as hard as he can and have no time to react if you are stuck way out towards the middle.


Please do not assume that cyclists are just trying to piss you off.
Prettyyyy sure they are. Well, they're doing a good job of it anyway. I mean, that level of piss-offery takes effort. Damned determined effort.


I used to hate cyclists too, then became one.
My God man,...that's....that's....that's like having your junk rearranged! :willy:
Not that there is anything wrong with that.(you're not riding a girls bike are you?)


...hitting us...
Ok, that is matter how tempting.


...or rolling coal on us.
C'mon now, that was funny!
Even if I was on the receiving end of that, I'd find it funny.


JRD77VET 05-16-2016 7:59pm


Originally Posted by GRN ENVY (Post 1474344)
I am sure there would be quite a few hills that would kick my ass. I'm always trying to be out of the way of traffic as possible.

I'm not the person who would purposely get in the way to make a point that you share the road with cyclists.

Courtesy goes a long way. A lot of folks recognize me cycling in my area. I'm always polite, aware they are driving around me. On many cases let them proceed before I do at an intersection. Many are appreciative. Still have a few who have to pull up close next to me.

I don't yell, or raise my hand with a gesture. After all you are in a car, I'm on a bike. I will always loose in that match up :seasix:


Sounds like you would be one of the few in this area. Even though you don't ride in my area, Thank you for being one of the good guys.

As for the courtesy goes a long way, sometimes in the morning I will end up behind a bicyclist on a certain road. Even though it's flat where I "catch" him, I will follow him for a 1/4 mile. Then we head down a hill that's no fun going up. He will easily hit 42-45 mph. He also makes a right close to the bottom so I drive "blocker" for him so he doesn't end up road pizza at his turn.

Bill 05-16-2016 8:24pm


Originally Posted by Drew M (Post 1474378)
You know you don't have to lift your leg as high when you get on a girls' bike, right?



OddBall 05-16-2016 11:33pm


Originally Posted by bill_daniels (Post 1474527)


:withstupid: :Jeff '79:

NEED-A-VETTE 05-17-2016 2:57am


Originally Posted by Iron Chef (Post 1473916)
Every single one of the riders in that video were riding safely and single file and along comes some toothless idiot who thinks it's funny to carpet bomb them with exhaust from his POS work truck. I guarantee that if one of those riders had been blinded to the point where he went off the edge it would't have been so funny.

Then again...stupidity like that is probably why Mr. Deliverance probably works for one of the guys out riding their bikes and enjoying a day in the mountains as opposed to being one of them.


That's what I was thinking.

With as many bike riders as there are around here - year round - most are considerate and follow the traffic rules. :shrug: Most main roads here do have designated bike lanes, though. There are lots of trails and other options for them, as well.

I guess I'm in the minority. I haven't had many issues with bike riders.

Iron Chef 05-17-2016 10:14am


Originally Posted by NEED-A-VETTE (Post 1474555)
I guess I'm in the minority. I haven't had many issues with bike riders.

Nor have I, and Texas has its fair share.

I realize this opens a can of worms, but if you really want to criticize a group of riders, look no further than sport bikes. These are...without a doubt and without question...a group of the most dangerous, reckless and arrogant individuals on the road today. Nearly every time I see one coming down the road, the rider is either doing something highly illegal or or is waiting for an opportunity to do something highly illegal. All the while putting other people at risk.

erickpl 05-17-2016 11:16am


Originally Posted by OddBall (Post 1474377)
I actually agree with and appreciate this. Especially since I might be the poor dumb bastard that is coming from the other direction. Just remember, on a gnarly curve, you can be unseen from both directions; meaning the guy coming up behind you may be taking the curves as hard as he can and have no time to react if you are stuck way out towards the middle.

Yeah, we have a few of those and in those cases, I try not to go left of the center of my lane and try to stay as far away from the double yellow line as I can while urging them not to pass. It is NOT fun.


My God man,...that's....that's....that's like having your junk rearranged! :willy:
Not that there is anything wrong with that.(you're not riding a girls bike are you?)
Nah, it's called getting perspective. Some call it walking, or in this case riding, in another's shoes.

And sometimes, having somebody rearrange your junk for you feels pretty good. Sure is better than doing it myself. :D

My bikes are not girl bikes, I assure you. :) Most girl bikes look like guy bikes now anyway. :)

My regular road bike:

My triathlon bike (Except for the new race wheels):

bradc6 05-17-2016 1:19pm

Nice bikes ericpl.

I am a road biker and always obey the rules of the road. Most drivers are courteous and aware of me but there are always a few who would rather see you dead than in their way for a few seconds. I have been run off the road, had things thrown at me, had people lean out the passenger window to try to push me over, turn in front of me, pull out in front of me, the list goes on.

Things changed for me on August 19th, 2015. I was out for my daily ride of around 40 miles when I crashed. I do not remember what caused it or how long I was unconscious, I woke up when they were loading me in the ambulance. That upside down bed pan (as the OP calls it) probably saved my life.

Injuries were a broken hip with the femur pushed through the socket and a shattered pelvis. Surgery was the next day with plates and screws holding things together. I spent a week in the hospital and then 6 weeks before I could put weight on the leg. Then rehab at Andrews Institute and finally able to walk without a limp.

I have ridden a few times since then but it's just not that same anymore.

Here is my road bike after the repairs, just needed new bar tape and straighten the handle bars. I guess my body took most of the impact.

Madmikeee 05-17-2016 2:20pm


Originally Posted by Waco (Post 1473754)
The ones that follow the rules are fine...unfortunately we all run into the assholes and remember them far more easily.

I think I run into 1 out of every 20 that actually follow the rules of the road.

MrPeabody 05-17-2016 2:30pm


Originally Posted by Iron Chef (Post 1474605)
Nor have I, and Texas has its fair share.

I realize this opens a can of worms, but if you really want to criticize a group of riders, look no further than sport bikes. These are...without a doubt and without question...a group of the most dangerous, reckless and arrogant individuals on the road today. Nearly every time I see one coming down the road, the rider is either doing something highly illegal or or is waiting for an opportunity to do something highly illegal. All the while putting other people at risk.

:iagree: Sport bikers and ricer wanna-be drifters with their side shows. They had a drifter exhibition at our local fairgrounds race track a few weeks ago. I enjoyed it very much. Like any racing it belongs on a track with safe conditions. Pretty impressive what those guys can do with a car. One of them was 14 years old.

'77Babe 05-17-2016 2:51pm

Yep, I came up on a group of 3 standing in the road, in a turn, behind a turn. At least they were wearing yellow. I even drove by them slowly, seeing if they would flag me because they needed help. They ignored me. And no, I am not stupid enough to park the car in that location. Oh, this on a winding woods road where 100km/h is allowed (just over 60 mph) and a lot of people do not adhere to that limit.

OddBall 05-17-2016 8:20pm


Originally Posted by erickpl (Post 1474620)
My triathlon bike (Except for the new race wheels):

Pretty cool. Never seen anything like that.

erickpl 05-18-2016 7:36am


Originally Posted by bradc6 (Post 1474640)
Nice bikes ericpl.

I am a road biker and always obey the rules of the road. Most drivers are courteous and aware of me but there are always a few who would rather see you dead than in their way for a few seconds. I have been run off the road, had things thrown at me, had people lean out the passenger window to try to push me over, turn in front of me, pull out in front of me, the list goes on.

Things changed for me on August 19th, 2015. I was out for my daily ride of around 40 miles when I crashed. I do not remember what caused it or how long I was unconscious, I woke up when they were loading me in the ambulance. That upside down bed pan (as the OP calls it) probably saved my life.

Injuries were a broken hip with the femur pushed through the socket and a shattered pelvis. Surgery was the next day with plates and screws holding things together. I spent a week in the hospital and then 6 weeks before I could put weight on the leg. Then rehab at Andrews Institute and finally able to walk without a limp.

I have ridden a few times since then but it's just not that same anymore.

Here is my road bike after the repairs, just needed new bar tape and straighten the handle bars. I guess my body took most of the impact.

WOW! Glad you're able to walk again!!!! I can imagine how that would change your perspective. I hope, for humanity's sake, that you weren't deliberately knocked over and out and that it truly was just an accident. Can't really tell from your statements if it was caused by somebody interfering.

Either way, glad to see you on the right side of the ground!

erickpl 05-18-2016 7:37am


Originally Posted by OddBall (Post 1474780)
Pretty cool. Never seen anything like that.

Triathlon bike. Not legal for regular bike races like the Tour de France or Tour of California. The downtube (the part that screams Specialized) is more of a sail and actually helps move me forward when I'm in a crosswind or even a headwind. I can literally feel it surge forward when the headwind hits it with a gust.

It also holds a water bladder (like a Camelbak), and has a drinking tube with a magnet that attaches to the aero bar so I can get drinks while tucked in for less drag.

It is ridiculously light.

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