Smilies |
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling.
If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.
Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies.
Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies;
using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description. If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face! |
Generic Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:yaddy: | Yaddy | |
:) | Smile | |
:seasix: | Thumbs-Up | |
:hurray: | Hurray | |
:yesnod: | Yesnod | |
:sadangel: | SadAngel | |
:shots: | Shots | |
:kimblair: | KimBlair | |
:Sexy: | Sexy | |
:slap: | Slap | |
:confused5: | Confused | |
:leaving: | Leaving | |
:iagree: | Iagree | |
:kick: | Kick | |
:dance: | Dancing | |
:D | Big Grin | |
:datawiz: | Datawiz | |
:issues: | Issues | |
:rofl: | ROFLMAO | |
:lol: | LOL | |
:cert: | CertInsaneC5 | |
:sleep: | Sleep | |
:barnbabe: | Barn Babe | |
:waiting: | waiting | |
:needcoffee: | needcoffee | |
:popcorns: | Popcorns | |
:Entropy: | Entropy | |
:makeout: | Makeout | |
:rep: | Rep | |
:Jeff '79: | LOL | |
:flush: | Flush | |
:jester: | Jester | |
:canadian: | Canadian | |
:Sweet90: | Sweet 90 | |
:nutkick: | Nutkick | |
:withstupid: | Withstupid | |
:squirrel2: | Squirrel2gif | |
:USA: | USA flag | |
:groupwave: | Groupwave | |
:bigears: | bigears | |
:halfmast: | Half Mast | |
:syf: | syf350 | |
:drivingskid: | Drivingskid | |
:blush: | Blush | |
:faint: | Faint | |
:Butterfly71: | Butterfly71 | |
:hump: | Hump | |
:owned: | Owned | |
:funnier: | Funnier | |
:pain: | Pain | |
:omg: | Omg | |
:wow: | Wow | |
:funniest: | Funniest | |
:stfupic: | Pics or stfu | |
:beer1: | Beer1 | |
:stfu: | Stfu | |
:sissy: | Sissy | |
:banana1: | Dancing Banana2 | |
:dixie: | Dixie | |
:flasher: | Flasher | |
:badger: | Badger | |
:goodmorning: | Good Morning | |
:goodnight: | Good Night | |
:hellohi: | Hello Hi | |
:notfunny: | Not Funny | |
:wtf: | Wtf | |
:o | Embarrassment | |
:bfd: | Sarcastic Clap | |
:ulan: | Ulan | |
:angel: | Angel | |
:lilred: | LilRed | |
:banghead: | Banghead | |
:boxing: | Boxing Smiley | |
:cool1: | Coolgleam | |
:bslap: | Bitch Slap | |
:cuss: | Cuss | |
:driving: | Driving | |
:drool: | Drool | |
:takdir: | Takdir | |
;) | Wink | |
:p | Stick Out Tongue | |
:spdchk: | SpdChk | |
:( | Frown | |
:hearts: | Hearts | |
:winky: | winky | |
:kingpin: | Hugs | |
:island14: | island14 | |
:bill_daniels: | Bill Daniels | |
:polis: | Polis | |
:question: | Question | |
:dupe: | Dupe | |
:grouphug: | Grouphug | |
:monkey: | monkey | |
:monkeybutt: | monkeybutt | |
:banana: | Banana | |
:beatup: | Beatup | |
:computer: | Computer | |
:leghump: | LegHump | |
:yell: | yell | |
:afrocool: | afrocool | |
:drunk: | Drunk | |
:frog: | frog | |
:shrug: | Shrug | |
:party: | Party | |
:troll: | Troll | |
:patriot: | Patriot | |
:sad: | Sad | |
:rant: | Rant | |
:ball: | ball | |
:puke: | Vomit | |
:yum: | Yummy | |
:yawn: | Yawn | |
:bread: | Sliced Bread | |
:hisanta: | Hi Santa | |
:clap: | Applause | |
:santa: | Santa | |
:ohnoes: | Oh Noes | |
:fruit: | Fruity | |
:rasta: | Ya Mon | |
:P: | The classic :P | |
:closed: | Closed | |
:cool2: | Cool2 | |
:coffee: | coffee | |
:metal: | Smiley Metal | |
:kiss: | Kiss | |
:fingertap: | Smiley Fingertap | |
:shutup: | Shut Up | |
:nonod: | No nod | |
:beadist: | Beadist | |
:squirrelrun: | Squirrel Run | |
:skiapet: | SkiaPet | |
:shake: | Shake | |
:violin: | Violin | |
:cry: | Th Cry | |
:crazy: | Crazy | |
:smash: | Smash | |
:angry: | Angry | |
:beggar: | Beggar | |
:cheers2: | Cheers2 | |
:superbee: | Super Bee | |
:blah: | BlahBlah | |
:cool: | Cool | |
:biglol: | Lol | |
:thehandle: | The Handle | |
:drink3: | 3 guys drinking | |
:sheeprun: | Running Sheep | |
:cane: | Cane Shaker | |
:waiting1: | Waiting... | |
:yessir: | Yessir | |
:munch: | Chester | |
:99pewtercoupe: | 99 pewtercoupe | |
:lippy: | Lippy | |
:bud: | xXBUDXx | |
:taz: | Taz | |
:sheep: | sheep | |
:littlered: | LittleRedL98 | |
:DAB: | DAB | |
:Kermie: | Kermie | |
:jeff: | JRD77VET | |
:fastguy: | Fastguy | |
:gozar: | Gozar | |
:thomas: | Thomas | |
:g8r: | G8rDMD | |
:msgem: | Ms.Gem | |
:topicclosed: | Topicclosed | |
:laugh: | Laughingsmiley | |
:konawork: | Kona92 | |
:skunk: | Skunk | |
:Paully: | Squirrel Buddy | |
:paw: | paw | |
:chicken: | Running Chicken | |
:yamma: | Yamma | |
:paw2: | paw2 | |
:southpark: | Southpark | |
:mad: | Mad | |
:squirrel: | Squirrel | |
:thumbsup: | Thumbs Up Emoticon | |
:spider: | Spider | |
:skia: | Skia | |
:toetap: | Toetap | |
:birthday: | Birthday | |
:bye: | Bye | |
:ironchef: | Iron Chef | |
:beerfunnel: | beer funnel | |
:rubbish: | Rubbish | |
:party3: | Party3 | |
:cone: | Conehead | |
:willy: | Willy Nilly | |
:confused: | Confused | |
:eek: | EEK! | |
:deli: | Deli | |
:sleeping: | Sleeping Smiley | |
:liz: | Liz | |
:woohoo: | WooHoo | |
:type: | Type | |
:flag: | Flag17 | |
:welcome: | Welcome | |
:explode: | Explode | |
:bs: | Icon Bs | |
:chevy: | Chevy Anim | |
:thumbs: | Thumbsup | |
:moon: | Moon | |
:ack: | Ack | |
:roll: | Rolllaughing | |
:chainsaw: | Greenchainsaw | |
:mirror: | Mirroredshades | |
:sneaks: | sneaks | |
:joebuck: | joebuck | |
:nitropup: | Nitropup | |
:chitfan: | Chit hits the fan | |
:nono: | Nono | |
:spam: | Spam | |
:balls: | Balls | |
:above: | Above | |
:toast: | Toast | |
:shs: | Speak | |
:wflag: | Surrender | |
:pissed: | Mad | |
:madcloud: | Cloud | |
:bad: | Shower | |
:buddies: | Buddies | |
:hide: | Hide | |
:spank: | Spank | |
:doh: | DOH | |
:ban: | Ban | |
:Corvette: | Corvette | |
:headbutt: | Jammin HeadBut | |
:lmfao: | Lmfao | |
:stop: | Stop | |
:blabla: | Bla Bla | |
:fish: | fish | |
:bigwink: | wink | |
:barf: | Barf | |
:c3c7nic: | Lollipop | |
:karen: | Karen | |
:stratsnvettes: | strats-n-vettes | |
:ghey: | Ghey | |
US/Territorial Flags | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:al: | Alabama | |
:ak: | Alaska | |
:az: | Arizona | |
:ar: | Arkansas | |
:ca: | California | |
:co: | Colorado | |
:ct: | Connecticut | |
:de: | Delaware | |
:fl: | Florida | |
:ga: | Georgia | |
:hawi: | Hawaii | |
:id: | Idaho | |
:il: | Illinois | |
:in: | Indiana | |
:ia: | Iowa | |
:ks: | Kansas | |
:ky: | Kentucky | |
:la: | Louisiana | |
:me: | Maine | |
:md: | Maryland | |
:ma: | Massachusetts | |
:mi: | Michigan | |
:mn: | Minnesota | |
:ms: | Mississippi | |
:mo: | Missouri | |
:mt: | Montana | |
:ne: | Nebraska | |
:nv: | Nevada | |
:nh: | New Hampshire | |
:nj: | New Jersey | |
:nm: | New Mexico | |
:ny: | New York | |
:nc: | North Carolina | |
:nd: | North Dakota | |
:oh: | Ohio | |
:ok: | Oklahoma | |
:or: | Oregon | |
:pa: | Pennsylvania | |
:ri: | Rhode Island | |
:sc: | South Carolina | |
:sd: | South Dakota | |
:tn: | Tennessee | |
:tx: | Texas | |
:ut: | Utah | |
:vt: | Vermont | |
:va: | Virginia | |
:wa: | Washington | |
:wv: | West Virginia | |
:wi: | Wisconsin | |
:wy: | Wyoming | |
:dc: | Washington, DC | |
:as: | American Samoa | |
:gu: | Guam | |
:fm: | Micronesia | |
:pr: | Puerto Rico | |
:vi: | Virgin Islands | |
Duplicate Smileys | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:seeya: | See Ya | |
:beer: | Beer | |
:cheers: | Cheers | |
:stickemup: | Stickemup | |
:canada: | Canada | |
:bilmem: | Bilmem | |
:funny: | Funny | |
:lolsmile: | Funniest | |
:coolest: | Coolest | |
:hi: | Hi | |
:skep: | Skep | |
:beat: | Beat | |
:dunno: | Dunno | |
:rolleyes: | Rolleyes | |
:clever: | Clever | |
:o_o: | O O | |
:boobies: | Boobies | |
:hat: | Hat | |
:strats: | clear |
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