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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:yaddy: Yaddy Yaddy
:) Smile Smile
:seasix: Thumbs-Up Thumbs-Up
:hurray: Hurray Hurray
:yesnod: Yesnod Yesnod
:sadangel: SadAngel SadAngel
:shots: Shots Shots
:kimblair: KimBlair KimBlair
:Sexy: Sexy Sexy
:slap: Slap Slap
:confused5: Confused Confused
:leaving: Leaving Leaving
:iagree: Iagree Iagree
:kick: Kick Kick
:dance: Dancing Dancing
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:datawiz: Datawiz Datawiz
:issues: Issues Issues
:lol: LOL LOL
:cert: CertInsaneC5 CertInsaneC5
:sleep: Sleep Sleep
:barnbabe: Barn Babe Barn Babe
:waiting: waiting waiting
:needcoffee: needcoffee needcoffee
:popcorns: Popcorns Popcorns
:Entropy: Entropy Entropy
:makeout: Makeout Makeout
:rep: Rep Rep
:Jeff '79: LOL LOL
:flush: Flush Flush
:jester: Jester Jester
:canadian: Canadian Canadian
:Sweet90: Sweet 90 Sweet 90
:nutkick: Nutkick Nutkick
:withstupid: Withstupid Withstupid
:squirrel2: Squirrel2gif Squirrel2gif
:groupwave: Groupwave Groupwave
:USA: USA flag USA flag
:bigears: bigears bigears
:halfmast: Half Mast Half Mast
:syf: syf350 syf350
:Butterfly71: Butterfly71 Butterfly71
:drivingskid: Drivingskid Drivingskid
:blush: Blush Blush
:faint: Faint Faint
:hump: Hump Hump
:owned: Owned Owned
:pain: Pain Pain
:funnier: Funnier Funnier
:wow: Wow Wow
:funniest: Funniest Funniest
:omg: Omg Omg
:stfupic: Pics or stfu Pics or stfu
:beer1: Beer1 Beer1
:stfu: Stfu Stfu
:sissy: Sissy Sissy
:banana1: Dancing Banana2 Dancing Banana2
:dixie: Dixie Dixie
:flasher: Flasher Flasher
:badger: Badger Badger
:goodmorning: Good Morning Good Morning
:goodnight: Good Night Good Night
:hellohi: Hello Hi Hello Hi
:notfunny: Not Funny Not Funny
:wtf: Wtf Wtf
:bfd: Sarcastic Clap Sarcastic Clap
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:ulan: Ulan Ulan
:angel: Angel Angel
:lilred: LilRed LilRed
:banghead: Banghead Banghead
:boxing: Boxing Smiley Boxing Smiley
:cool1: Coolgleam Coolgleam
:bslap: Bitch Slap Bitch Slap
:cuss: Cuss Cuss
:driving: Driving Driving
:drool: Drool Drool
:takdir: Takdir Takdir
;) Wink Wink
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:spdchk: SpdChk SpdChk
:( Frown Frown
:hearts: Hearts Hearts
:winky: winky winky
:kingpin: Hugs Hugs
:island14: island14 island14
:bill_daniels: Bill Daniels Bill Daniels
:polis: Polis Polis
:question: Question Question
:dupe: Dupe Dupe
:grouphug: Grouphug Grouphug
:monkey: monkey monkey
:monkeybutt: monkeybutt monkeybutt
:banana: Banana Banana
:beatup: Beatup Beatup
:computer: Computer Computer
:leghump: LegHump LegHump
:yell: yell yell
:afrocool: afrocool afrocool
:drunk: Drunk Drunk
:frog: frog frog
:shrug: Shrug Shrug
:party: Party Party
:troll: Troll Troll
:patriot: Patriot Patriot
:sad: Sad Sad
:rant: Rant Rant
:ball: ball ball
:puke: Vomit Vomit
:yum: Yummy Yummy
:yawn: Yawn Yawn
:bread: Sliced Bread Sliced Bread
:hisanta: Hi Santa Hi Santa
:clap: Applause Applause
:santa: Santa Santa
:ohnoes: Oh Noes Oh Noes
:fruit: Fruity Fruity
:rasta: Ya Mon Ya Mon
:P: The classic :P The classic :P
:closed: Closed Closed
:cool2: Cool2 Cool2
:coffee: coffee coffee
:metal: Smiley Metal Smiley Metal
:kiss: Kiss Kiss
:fingertap: Smiley Fingertap Smiley Fingertap
:shutup: Shut Up Shut Up
:nonod: No nod No nod
:beadist: Beadist Beadist
:squirrelrun: Squirrel Run Squirrel Run
:skiapet: SkiaPet SkiaPet
:shake: Shake Shake
:violin: Violin Violin
:cry: Th Cry Th Cry
:crazy: Crazy Crazy
:smash: Smash Smash
:angry: Angry Angry
:beggar: Beggar Beggar
:cheers2: Cheers2 Cheers2
:superbee: Super Bee Super Bee
:blah: BlahBlah BlahBlah
:cool: Cool Cool
:biglol: Lol Lol
:thehandle: The Handle The Handle
:drink3: 3 guys drinking 3 guys drinking
:sheeprun: Running Sheep Running Sheep
:cane: Cane Shaker Cane Shaker
:waiting1: Waiting... Waiting...
:yessir: Yessir Yessir
:munch: Chester Chester
:lippy: Lippy Lippy
:bud: xXBUDXx xXBUDXx
:taz: Taz Taz
:99pewtercoupe: 99 pewtercoupe 99 pewtercoupe
:sheep: sheep sheep
:littlered: LittleRedL98 LittleRedL98
:Kermie: Kermie Kermie
:jeff: JRD77VET JRD77VET
:fastguy: Fastguy Fastguy
:gozar: Gozar Gozar
:thomas: Thomas Thomas
:g8r: G8rDMD G8rDMD
:topicclosed: Topicclosed Topicclosed
:msgem: Ms.Gem Ms.Gem
:laugh: Laughingsmiley Laughingsmiley
:konawork: Kona92 Kona92
:skunk: Skunk Skunk
:Paully: Squirrel Buddy Squirrel Buddy
:paw: paw paw
:chicken: Running Chicken Running Chicken
:yamma: Yamma Yamma
:paw2: paw2 paw2
:southpark: Southpark Southpark
:mad: Mad Mad
:squirrel: Squirrel Squirrel
:thumbsup: Thumbs Up Emoticon Thumbs Up Emoticon
:spider: Spider Spider
:skia: Skia Skia
:toetap: Toetap Toetap
:birthday: Birthday Birthday
:bye: Bye Bye
:ironchef: Iron Chef Iron Chef
:beerfunnel: beer funnel beer funnel
:rubbish: Rubbish Rubbish
:party3: Party3 Party3
:cone: Conehead Conehead
:willy: Willy Nilly Willy Nilly
:confused: Confused Confused
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:deli: Deli Deli
:sleeping: Sleeping Smiley Sleeping Smiley
:liz: Liz Liz
:woohoo: WooHoo WooHoo
:type: Type Type
:flag: Flag17 Flag17
:welcome: Welcome Welcome
:explode: Explode Explode
:bs: Icon Bs Icon Bs
:chevy: Chevy Anim Chevy Anim
:thumbs: Thumbsup Thumbsup
:moon: Moon Moon
:ack: Ack Ack
:roll: Rolllaughing Rolllaughing
:chainsaw: Greenchainsaw Greenchainsaw
:mirror: Mirroredshades Mirroredshades
:sneaks: sneaks sneaks
:nitropup: Nitropup Nitropup
:joebuck: joebuck joebuck
:chitfan: Chit hits the fan Chit hits the fan
:nono: Nono Nono
:spam: Spam Spam
:balls: Balls Balls
:above: Above Above
:toast: Toast Toast
:shs: Speak Speak
:wflag: Surrender Surrender
:pissed: Mad Mad
:madcloud: Cloud Cloud
:bad: Shower Shower
:buddies: Buddies Buddies
:hide: Hide Hide
:spank: Spank Spank
:doh: DOH DOH
:ban: Ban Ban
:Corvette: Corvette Corvette
:headbutt: Jammin HeadBut Jammin HeadBut
:lmfao: Lmfao Lmfao
:stop: Stop Stop
:blabla: Bla Bla Bla Bla
:fish: fish fish
:bigwink: wink wink
:barf: Barf Barf
:c3c7nic: Lollipop Lollipop
:karen: Karen Karen
:stratsnvettes: strats-n-vettes strats-n-vettes
:ghey: Ghey Ghey
US/Territorial Flags
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:al: Alabama Alabama
:ak: Alaska Alaska
:az: Arizona Arizona
:ar: Arkansas Arkansas
:ca: California California
:co: Colorado Colorado
:ct: Connecticut Connecticut
:de: Delaware Delaware
:fl: Florida Florida
:ga: Georgia Georgia
:hawi: Hawaii Hawaii
:id: Idaho Idaho
:il: Illinois Illinois
:in: Indiana Indiana
:ia: Iowa Iowa
:ks: Kansas Kansas
:ky: Kentucky Kentucky
:la: Louisiana Louisiana
:me: Maine Maine
:md: Maryland Maryland
:ma: Massachusetts Massachusetts
:mi: Michigan Michigan
:mn: Minnesota Minnesota
:ms: Mississippi Mississippi
:mo: Missouri Missouri
:mt: Montana Montana
:ne: Nebraska Nebraska
:nv: Nevada Nevada
:nh: New Hampshire New Hampshire
:nj: New Jersey New Jersey
:nm: New Mexico New Mexico
:ny: New York New York
:nc: North Carolina North Carolina
:nd: North Dakota North Dakota
:oh: Ohio Ohio
:ok: Oklahoma Oklahoma
:or: Oregon Oregon
:pa: Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
:ri: Rhode Island Rhode Island
:sc: South Carolina South Carolina
:sd: South Dakota South Dakota
:tn: Tennessee Tennessee
:tx: Texas Texas
:ut: Utah Utah
:vt: Vermont Vermont
:va: Virginia Virginia
:wa: Washington Washington
:wv: West Virginia West Virginia
:wi: Wisconsin Wisconsin
:wy: Wyoming Wyoming
:dc: Washington, DC Washington, DC
:as: American Samoa American Samoa
:gu: Guam Guam
:fm: Micronesia Micronesia
:pr: Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
:vi: Virgin Islands Virgin Islands
Duplicate Smileys
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:seeya: See Ya See Ya
:beer: Beer Beer
:cheers: Cheers Cheers
:stickemup: Stickemup Stickemup
:canada: Canada Canada
:bilmem: Bilmem Bilmem
:funny: Funny Funny
:lolsmile: Funniest Funniest
:coolest: Coolest Coolest
:hi: Hi Hi
:skep: Skep Skep
:beat: Beat Beat
:dunno: Dunno Dunno
:rolleyes: Rolleyes Rolleyes
:clever: Clever Clever
:o_o: O O O O
:boobies: Boobies Boobies
:hat: Hat Hat
:strats: clear clear

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