View Full Version : What microwave-safe containers you should own...

04-14-2014, 7:43pm
They're not cheap, but they will last you 30-50 years, maybe a lifetime. They're Rubbermaid Sulfon-X commercial cookware. They're usually amber in color, but some are clear. They're actually the same continers you see at a buffet holding the food over a vat of hot water.

Here's a linkl to start you off: (I have no financial interest in this product.)

Rubbermaid Amber Sulfonx Insert Pan 1 9size Case Of from Sears.com (http://www.sears.com/search=rubbermaid%20amber%20sulfonx%20insert%20pan%201%209size%20case%20of)

Olustee bus
04-18-2014, 5:30pm
I need something to microwave oysters in. Know anything?

04-19-2014, 3:01pm
Are they glass? I don't microwave food in plastic containers.

05-19-2014, 7:55pm
Trust nothing with a glazed finish.