View Full Version : Makes the garden grow (joke)

05-23-2012, 5:56pm
A woman's garden is growing beautifully
but the darn tomatoes won't ripen. There's a limit to the number of uses for green tomatoes and she's getting tired of it.So she goes to her neighbor and says,"Your tomatoes are ripe, mine are green. What can I do about it?"

Her neighbor replies,"Well, it may sound absurd but here's what to do. Tonight there's no moon. After dark go out into your garden and take all your clothes off. Tomatoes can see in the dark and they'll be embarrassed and blush. In the morning they'll all be red, you'll see."

She says Well, what the heck it can't hurt to try it.

Next day her neighbor asks how it worked.

"So-so," she answers. "The tomatoes are still green but the cucumbers are all four inches longer."

Bingo Fuel
05-23-2012, 5:59pm

05-23-2012, 6:04pm

05-23-2012, 6:38pm
Noice! :lol:

05-24-2012, 5:35am