View Full Version : Movie - The Trial of the Chicago7

03-22-2021, 7:49am
In the movie, some government guy refers to former attorney general Ramsey Clark as "Ramsey". Clark responds "It's General Clark".

To my knowledge, Ramsey Clark was not a military general. Am I missing something? Are attorneys general referered to as "General"?

03-22-2021, 8:00am
Yes, usually within their circle of colleagues.

Mike Mercury
03-22-2021, 8:10am
In the movie, some government guy refers to former attorney general Ramsey Clark as "Ramsey". Clark responds "It's General Clark".

I know what I'd of done... I would of went outside to the parking lot and

keyed his car.

03-22-2021, 8:30am
Ego. I was with General Wes Clark, an actual retired General, a couple of weeks ago. He asked me to call him Wes, not General.

03-22-2021, 9:50am
General Motors last week allowed me to call them GM. We're close like that.

03-22-2021, 10:03am
This question would be best answered by Dr. Jill Biden.